Thread: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver License Inquiry

PostgreSQL JDBC Driver License Inquiry

Martin Ekerå
To whom it may concern,
We are currently in the final stages of releasing a beta version of our servlet based framework for dynamic HTML contents generation and distribution. The framework uses JDBC drivers to communicate with database resources, e.g. PostgreSQL database servers.

In about one week we plan to release the first beta seed of the framework, and are therefore now preparing installation packages for different UNIX flavors and Microsoft Windows. To simplify setting up access to PostgreSQL databases, we would like to bundle the PostgreSQL JDBC libraries in our distribution package.

Even though I have personally been browsing your site, I have not been able to find a license specifying what I may, and may not do, with the JDBC driver your company provides, and therefore assume that it remains your intellectual property, and that you reserve all rights to it, which would make me unable to bundle the driver with our installation packages for different platforms.
The alternative to bundling the JDBC driver with the installer, is writing in the reference documentation that all customers who are interested in obtaining PostgreSQL database support should download the relevant JDBC libraries from your site and install them manually.

We would very must like to avoid this, as it makes matters more complex for our end users, who may be unfamiliar with the concept of libraries in general, and JDBC libraries in particular. Bottom line, providing access to PostgreSQL databases quickly and easily is in the interest both of PostgreSQL Incorporated and MartinProductions.

In short: (1) Does the license allow me to bundle the PostgreSQL JDBC libraries with the framework installer packages? If yes, under what conditions? Where may I find a copy of the license controlling use of PostgreSQL JDBC libraries? Are these libraries subject to the same license agreement as the PostgreSQL database server? (2) If no, is it possible to obtain a written permit from PostgreSQL Incorporated that authorizes us to do so? If yes, who should I contact to make further inquiries into the matter?

Thank you for taking time to answer this email,

Martin Ekerå


   ||| MartinProductions
       Tävelstadsvägen 63
       SE-590 41 RIMFORSA

       Martin Ekerå, Head Developer

