Thread: Re: [GENERAL] Postgres 7.3b1 + JDBC3 (2002-09-05) truncates SQL

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres 7.3b1 + JDBC3 (2002-09-05) truncates SQL

Barry Lind
I can't reproduce this problem.  Can you submit a simple test case that
reproduces the problem?


H. Meyer wrote:
> hi
> i have a very wired problem.
> when i try to execute the following SQL command:

> VALUES ('2002-05-07 14:34:12.0', 'MR', '2',
> '1.2.804.114118.1.20020507.143415.2812940098.1.1', 'SCRAPBOOK', '',
> '006.000000E+00', 'b0_1000', 'HEAD', 'MEA', '261*261', '', 0, 'MAGNETOM
> Harmony', '', '2002-09-17
> 11:07:30.293');
> via the JDBC3 beta driver for postgres 7.3b1 i get the following error.
> 2002-09-17 11:07:30 [24588]  LOG:  query: INSERT INTO SERIES

> VALUES ('2002-05-07 14:34:12.0', 'MR', '2',
> '1.2.804.114118.1.20020507.143415.2812940098.1.1', 'SCRAPBOOK
> 2002-09-17 11:07:30 [24588]  ERROR:  parser: unterminated quoted string
> at or near "'SCRAPBOOK" at character 349
> 2002-09-17 11:07:30 [24588]  LOG:  statement: INSERT INTO SERIES

> VALUES ('2002-05-07 14:34:12.0', 'MR', '2',
> '1.2.804.114118.1.20020507.143415.2812940098.1.1', 'SCRAPBOOK
> it seems as if the SQL command was truncated.
> i added and removed some spaces to the command. it is always trunctated
> ryt where the ' behind SCRAPBOOK is supposed to be.
> so it doesn't seem to be some fixed character number (i.e. due to some
> undersizes buffer) after which the statment is truncated.
> the exact same programm/statment works on an IBM DB/2 db without
> problems, btw.
> I was wondering if this is maybe a known problem in the 7.3b1 release of
> postgresql or the beta jdbc driver.
> mfg
> meyer
> PS:
> some additional information, maybe it is usefull.
> table definition:
> (
>        seriesdatetime          timestamp NOT
> NULL,                                   modality
> VARchar(16) NOT NULL,
> seriesnumber            VARchar(12) NOT NULL,
>        seriesinstanceuid       VARchar(64) NOT
> NULL,                                 seriesdescr
> VARchar(64) ,
> bodypartexamined        VARchar(16) ,
>        slicethickness          numeric(30,6)
> ,                                       sequencename
> VARchar(16) ,
> studytype               VARchar(16) ,
>        viewdirection           VARchar(16)
> ,                                         fieldofview
> VARchar(32) ,
> contrastAgent           VARchar(16) ,
>        numberseriesrelatedimages     integer NOT
> NULL,                               manufacturermodel       VARchar(64)
> ,                                         stuParent
> VARchar(64) NOT NULL,
> insertTimestamp         timestamp NOT NULL                             );
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres 7.3b1 + JDBC3 (2002-09-05) truncates SQL

Oliver Jowett
I've seen something like this -- it was due to an embedded null (\0) in a
string value being inserted (presumably at the end of 'SCRAPBOOK', here)
which the JDBC driver doesn't escape and the backend appears to treat as
"end of query string". Took me a while to find as printing Strings doesn't
show nulls!

I experimented with escaping it in the driver, but it looks like the backend
doesn't support embedded nulls in TEXT either? (the stored value is silently
truncated at the null).


On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 10:08:14AM -0700, Barry Lind wrote:
> I can't reproduce this problem.  Can you submit a simple test case that
> reproduces the problem?
> thanks,
> --Barry
> H. Meyer wrote:
> >hi
> >
> >i have a very wired problem.
> >when i try to execute the following SQL command:
> >

> >VALUES ('2002-05-07 14:34:12.0', 'MR', '2',
> >'1.2.804.114118.1.20020507.143415.2812940098.1.1', 'SCRAPBOOK', '',
> >'006.000000E+00', 'b0_1000', 'HEAD', 'MEA', '261*261', '', 0, 'MAGNETOM
> >Harmony', '', '2002-09-17
> >11:07:30.293');
> >
> >via the JDBC3 beta driver for postgres 7.3b1 i get the following error.
> >
> >2002-09-17 11:07:30 [24588]  LOG:  query: INSERT INTO SERIES

> >VALUES ('2002-05-07 14:34:12.0', 'MR', '2',
> >'1.2.804.114118.1.20020507.143415.2812940098.1.1', 'SCRAPBOOK
> >2002-09-17 11:07:30 [24588]  ERROR:  parser: unterminated quoted string
> >at or near "'SCRAPBOOK" at character 349
> >2002-09-17 11:07:30 [24588]  LOG:  statement: INSERT INTO SERIES

> >VALUES ('2002-05-07 14:34:12.0', 'MR', '2',
> >'1.2.804.114118.1.20020507.143415.2812940098.1.1', 'SCRAPBOOK
