Thread: Date time problem with timstamp with no timezone data type

Date time problem with timstamp with no timezone data type

Yuva Chandolu

We have weiered problem with one timestamp(without timezone) data type
column(updated_date) in one table.  We insert a row into this table with
current time once and susequently update it many times with current time.
What happens is with each update the updated_date is increased by 7 hours.
We are in PDT timezone and for initial insert +7 hours is fine but
subsequent updates increasing it by +7 hours is wiered. What should we do

We are using stable pgjdbc2.jar and we are using postgres7.2.1.


Re: Date time problem with timstamp with no timezone data

Barry Lind

There isn't enough information here to really understand what is going
on.  For example are you doing the update via sql (i.e. update foo set
bar = bar + '7 hours'::interval) or are you doing the change in java
(i.e. update foo set bar = ? where the bind value is calculated in
java).  A simple test case showing the problem would help us better
diagnose your issue.


Yuva Chandolu wrote:

>We have weiered problem with one timestamp(without timezone) data type
>column(updated_date) in one table.  We insert a row into this table with
>current time once and susequently update it many times with current time.
>What happens is with each update the updated_date is increased by 7 hours.
>We are in PDT timezone and for initial insert +7 hours is fine but
>subsequent updates increasing it by +7 hours is wiered. What should we do
>We are using stable pgjdbc2.jar and we are using postgres7.2.1.
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster