Thread: Problem with JDBC: no suitable driver

Problem with JDBC: no suitable driver

"Konstantinos Spyropoulos"
I'm having a problem with the JDBC driver: I am getting the "no suitable driver" exception
when I try to log on to the database through a simple java program.
I have postgresql 7.2.1 running in Win98, with Cygwin. The database was downloaded
and installed through the Cygwin setup. The JDBC driver I use is the one that comes with
Cygwin. Java is installed in windows in d:Programming/j2sdk1.4.0
The postmaster is initiated with the parameter -i and in case it matters I have the ipc-daemon running.
My variables are:
$ echo $PATH
When I try to run the program below, I get the exception:
$ java test
While connecting: No suitable driver
I even tried to run the program, removing the Class.forName line, giving the JDBC drivers
in command line, but the result was the same.
Sorry for the big mail, but I'm new to Postgres, JDBC and Cygwin, and at a loss.
Thank you all.
Here is the code of my program. (That program used to work in Postgres when I had Linux.)
import java.sql.*;
public class test {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    try {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    try {
      Connection db = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/inigo", "inigo", null);
    } catch(SQLException e) {
      System.out.println("while connecting: " + e.getMessage());

Re: Problem with JDBC: no suitable driver

"Konstantinos Spyropoulos"
I've tried it and had the same "No suitable driver" exception. I also tried defining the CLASSPATH as system variable in Windows,
but cygwin didn't convert the path to unix-format.
> I believe your CLASSPATH setting is wrong. It must be >Windows path and
> semicolon separated.
> Maybe
> 'C:\cygwin\usr\share\postgresql\java\postgresql.jar;D:\PROGRAMMING/J2SDK1.4.0/LIB'
> is right if you installed cygwin on 'C:\cygwin\'

Re: Problem with JDBC: no suitable driver

Dave Cramer
Is the postgres jar actually there? Something else you can try is
placing the postgres jar in the JAVA_HOME/lib/ext directory, and not
using a classpath

On Fri, 2002-06-28 at 06:24, Konstantinos Spyropoulos wrote:
> I've tried it and had the same "No suitable driver" exception. I also tried defining the CLASSPATH as system variable
> but cygwin didn't convert the path to unix-format.
> > I believe your CLASSPATH setting is wrong. It must be >Windows path and
> > semicolon separated.
> >
> > Maybe
> > 'C:\cygwin\usr\share\postgresql\java\postgresql.jar;D:\PROGRAMMING/J2SDK1.4.0/LIB'
> > is right if you installed cygwin on 'C:\cygwin\'

code to perform COPY

Michael Adler
Here's the goods. This has worked pretty well for me. I think it's ready
for the next stage of scrutiny.

We may want to take a slightly different approach and move some of this
logic to PG_Stream. There's alot of code overhead on sending down the
transaction-control queries (BEGIN and COMMIT) and reading the response
analyses. I may not be taking advantage of some method, or we may want to
add functionality elsewhere to support copy in a clean fashion.

The debug messages are very verbose, so we'll probably want to comment out
some of that. For large copies, it prints out a crude KB per second. I get
220KB/sec over my LAN. It appears to be CPU bound on my P4 1.6ghz, so
perhaps that can be improved to the point of being network-bound.

Like I mentioned in my previous email, since PG_Stream.input_stream is an, the multi-byte read/receive method offers no
improvments over the single-byte method. I could very well be wrong,
though. I still haven't tested it over a high-latency connection.

    // *****************
    // Postgres COPY handling from org.postgresql.Connection
    // *****************

     *  This will take the name of a table and an OutputStream, construct a COPY OUT query, send the query
     *  ( while bypassing QueryExecutor), direct the output of the backend into the OutputStream and
     *  then check the backend to see if it's ready for another query.
     * @param table the table from which it will copy
     * @param out OutputStream to which the copy will be sent
     * @return void
     * @exception Exception if a database access error occurs

    public void copyOut(String table, OutputStream out) throws Exception
        synchronized(pg_stream) {

            String query = "COPY " + table + " TO STDOUT";
            if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Sending query '" + query + "' to backend.");

            // duplicates statements in QueryExecutor.sendQuery
            pg_stream.Send(this.getEncoding().encode( query ));

            // check response from backend
            int response = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();

            if (response == 'H') {
                if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Received 'H' from backend. The COPY out is beginning.");
            } else if ( response == 'E') {
                String error_string = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
                throw new SQLException( error_string );
            } else {
                throw new SQLException("Copy Out should receive H from backend, but instead received: " +

            long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();

            int a, b, c;

            // read input stream one char at a time, but always hold three
            a = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
            b = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
            c = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();

            int counter = 3;

            while (true) {
                if ( Driver.logDebug && counter % 100000 == 0) {
                    int rate = counter / (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() - start_time);
                    System.out.println( (counter / 1000) + " KB total at " + rate + " KB/sec");

                if ( a == '\\' && b == '.' &&  c == '\n' ) {
                    // this sequence of bytes means the copy is over
                    if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Received '\\.' from backend. The COPY out stream is finished.");


                a = b;
                b = c;

                try {
                    // the following looks unoptimized, but is really the same as[] b,
intoff, int len) 
                    c = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // maybe the connection is screwed, or maybe we can salvage it. I don't know.
                    throw e;


            // the backend should send the string "COPY"
            String str = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());

            // check to make sure the backend is ready for the next query
            response = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();

            if (response == 'Z') {
                if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Received 'Z' from backend. It's ready for the next query. COPY out
            } else if ( response == 'E') {
                String error_string = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
                throw new SQLException( error_string );
            } else {
                throw new SQLException("Copy should receive Z from backend, but instead received: " + (char)response );


     *  This will take the name of a table and a ByteArrayInputStream, construct a COPY IN query,
     *  send the query ( while bypassing QueryExecutor), send the bytes of data and send the
     *  3-byte sequence that signifies the end of the copy. We enclose this in a transaction to ensure
     *  that the entire stream is copied in, or nothing at all.
     * @param table the table to which it will copy
     * @param in InputStream from which the copy will be read
     * @return void
     * @exception Exception if a database access error occurs

    public void copyIn (String table, InputStream in) throws Exception
        int response;
        String str;

        synchronized(pg_stream) {

            // BEGIN the COPY in transaction

            pg_stream.Send(this.getEncoding().encode( "BEGIN" ));

            // the backend shoul send the string "CBEGIN" - 'C' for "Completed" and 'BEGIN' for the type of completed
            str = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
            if ( ! str.equals("CBEGIN") ) throw new SQLException("BEGIN seemed to fail before COPY in. Received: '" +
str+ "'"); 
            response = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
            if ( response != 'Z' ) throw new SQLException("Backend is not ready for next query. Instead of 'Z',
received:'" + (char)response + "'"); 

            // now "inside" a transaction and ready for COPYing in

            String query = "COPY " + table + " FROM STDIN";
            //if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Sending query '" + query + "' to backend.");

            // duplicates statements in QueryExecutor.sendQuery
            pg_stream.Send(this.getEncoding().encode( query ));

            // check response from backend
            response = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();

            if (response == 'G') {
                if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Received 'G' from backend. The COPY in should now begin.");
            } else if ( response == 'E') {
                String error_string = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
                throw new SQLException( error_string );
            } else {
                throw new SQLException("Copy should receive G from backend, but instead received: " + (char)response );

            // send the whole input stream

            int b; // a byte placeholder to read from in and send to backend

            while (true) {

                try {
                    b =;
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // maybe the connection is screwed, or maybe we can salvage it. I don't know.
                    throw new SQLException("While reading from InputStream, it threw exception: '" + e + "'");

                // we may want to check for the termination string '\\.\n' because we send it later. It wouldn't be
goodto send it twice 

                if (b == -1) {
                    break; // the InputStream is finished
                } else {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new SQLException("While sending a char to the backend, it threw exception: '" + e + "'"

            // send the special row
            if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Sending the byte seqence '\\.'. The frontend has finished the COPY in
            pg_stream.Send( new byte[] { (byte)'\\', (byte)'.', (byte)'\n' } );

            // the backend send the string "CCOPY" - 'C' for "Completed" and 'COPY' for the type of completed query
            str = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
            //if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug( "Should be CCOPY: " + str);

            // check to make sure the backend is ready for the next query
            response = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();

            if (response == 'Z') {
                if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Received 'Z' from backend. It's ready for the next query. COPY in
            } else if ( response == 'E') {
                String error_string = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
                throw new SQLException( error_string );
            } else {
                throw new SQLException("Copy should receive Z from backend, but instead received: " + (char)response );

            // since we reached this point with an error, COMMIT the COPY in transaction

            pg_stream.Send(this.getEncoding().encode( "COMMIT" ));

            // the backend shoul send the string "CCOMMIT" - 'C' for "Completed" and 'COMMIT' for the type of completed
            str = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
            if ( ! str.equals("CCOMMIT") ) throw new SQLException("COMMIT seemed to fail after COPY in. Received: '" +
str+ "'"); 
            response = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
            if ( response != 'Z' ) throw new SQLException("Backend is not ready for next query. Instead of 'Z',
received:'" + (char)response + "'"); 

    // *****************
    // Postgres COPY testing from org.postgresql.test.JDBCTests
    // *****************

         * Tests the copyOut functionality by copying data from pg_class into a test table,
         * then it copies that data out and check the number of 'rows' that came out.
        public void testCopyOut()
                    org.postgresql.Connection conn = (org.postgresql.Connection)JDBC2Tests.openDB();

                    java.sql.Statement st = conn.createStatement();
                    st.executeUpdate( "INSERT into copy_out_test SELECT relowner, relpages FROM pg_class LIMIT 20" );

                    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    java.sql.ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT count(*) AS row_count FROM copy_out_test" );
                    int row_count = rs.getInt("row_count"); // the number of rows in the table copy_out_test


                    ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
                    int newline_count = 0;
                    for ( int i =; i != -1; i = ) {
                        if (i == '\n') newline_count++; // count the number of newlines

                    // # of newlines should equal original LIMIT #
                catch (Exception ex)
                        assertTrue(ex.getMessage(), false);

         * Tests the copyIn functionality by copying in an array of bytes, then checking their integrity in the table
        public void testCopyIn()
                    org.postgresql.Connection conn = (org.postgresql.Connection)JDBC2Tests.openDB();
                    java.sql.Statement st = conn.createStatement();
                    byte[] dummy_array = new byte[] {
(byte)'T',(byte)'o',(byte)'m',(byte)'\t',(byte)'1',(byte)'2',(byte)'\n',  //Tom 12 

(byte)'B',(byte)'o',(byte)'b',(byte)'\t',(byte)'2',(byte)'9',(byte)'\n',  //Bob 29 

(byte)'H',(byte)'a',(byte)'n',(byte)'\t',(byte)'4',(byte)'1',(byte)'\n'   //Han 41 

                    InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(dummy_array);

                    java.sql.ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT sum(two) AS sum FROM copy_in_test" );
                    int sum = rs.getInt("sum");
                    assertEquals(sum,82); // the sum of column 'two' should equal 82 (i.e. 12 + 29 + 41)

                catch (Exception ex)
                        assertTrue(ex.getMessage(), false);

         * Test a sequence of copy commands by
        public void testCopyOutCopyIn()
                    org.postgresql.Connection conn = (org.postgresql.Connection)JDBC2Tests.openDB();
                    java.sql.Statement st = conn.createStatement();

                    st.executeUpdate( "INSERT into copy_out_copy_in_test SELECT relowner, relpages FROM pg_class LIMIT

                    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    java.sql.ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT count(*) AS row_count FROM copy_out_copy_in_test"
                    int row_count = rs.getInt("row_count"); // the number of rows in the table copy_out_copy_in_test


                    ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
                    int newline_count = 0;
                    for ( int i =; i != -1; i = ) {
                        if (i == '\n') newline_count++; // count the number of newlines

                    // # of newlines should equal original LIMIT #

                    in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());

                    rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT count(*) AS row_count FROM copy_out_copy_in_test" );
                    row_count = rs.getInt("row_count"); // the number of rows in the table copy_out_copy_in_test

                    assertEquals(row_count , newline_count*2);
                catch (Exception ex)
                        assertTrue(ex.getMessage(), false);

         * Test a sequence of copy commands by copying in an array of bytes, then copying them out
         * and comparing the lengths of the two arrays.
        public void testCopyInCopyOut()
                    org.postgresql.Connection conn = (org.postgresql.Connection)JDBC2Tests.openDB();

                    java.sql.Statement st = conn.createStatement();
                    byte[] input_array = new byte[] {



                    InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(input_array);

                    java.sql.ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT sum(two) AS sum FROM copy_in_copy_out_test" );
                    int sum = rs.getInt("sum");
                    assertEquals(sum,82); // the sum of column 'two' should equal 82 (i.e. 12 + 29 + 41)

                    // copy out the everything from the table we just copy'ed into

                    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

                    int  input_length = input_array.length;
                    int output_length = out.size();
                    assertEquals(input_length, output_length); // the input and output array should be the same size
                catch (Exception ex)
                        assertTrue(ex.getMessage(), false);

    // *****************
    // test using pipes so that you don't have to read everything into memory before you sent it out.
    // *****************

final org.postgresql.Connection local_con  =
(org.postgresql.Connection)DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test1?loglevel=2","test" ,
final org.postgresql.Connection local_con  =
(org.postgresql.Connection)DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test2?loglevel=2","test" ,

        final PipedOutputStream pout = new PipedOutputStream();
        final PipedInputStream  pin  = new PipedInputStream(pout);

        final Thread copierOut = new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        pout.close(); // if you don't close it, the pipe will be considered "broken" when the Thread
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        System.err.println("Caught error while copying out " + e);

        final Thread copierIn = new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        System.err.println("Caught error while copying in " + e);


Re: code to perform COPY

Dave Cramer

Any chance you can submit this as a context diff

cvs diff -c

On Fri, 2002-06-28 at 16:48, Michael Adler wrote:
> Here's the goods. This has worked pretty well for me. I think it's ready
> for the next stage of scrutiny.
> We may want to take a slightly different approach and move some of this
> logic to PG_Stream. There's alot of code overhead on sending down the
> transaction-control queries (BEGIN and COMMIT) and reading the response
> analyses. I may not be taking advantage of some method, or we may want to
> add functionality elsewhere to support copy in a clean fashion.
> The debug messages are very verbose, so we'll probably want to comment out
> some of that. For large copies, it prints out a crude KB per second. I get
> 220KB/sec over my LAN. It appears to be CPU bound on my P4 1.6ghz, so
> perhaps that can be improved to the point of being network-bound.
> Like I mentioned in my previous email, since PG_Stream.input_stream is an
>, the multi-byte read/receive method offers no
> improvments over the single-byte method. I could very well be wrong,
> though. I still haven't tested it over a high-latency connection.
>     // *****************
>     // Postgres COPY handling from org.postgresql.Connection
>     // *****************
>     /**
>      *  This will take the name of a table and an OutputStream, construct a COPY OUT query, send the query
>      *  ( while bypassing QueryExecutor), direct the output of the backend into the OutputStream and
>      *  then check the backend to see if it's ready for another query.
>      * @param table the table from which it will copy
>      * @param out OutputStream to which the copy will be sent
>      * @return void
>      * @exception Exception if a database access error occurs
>      *
>      **/
>     public void copyOut(String table, OutputStream out) throws Exception
>     {
>         synchronized(pg_stream) {
>             String query = "COPY " + table + " TO STDOUT";
>             if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Sending query '" + query + "' to backend.");
>             // duplicates statements in QueryExecutor.sendQuery
>             pg_stream.SendChar('Q');
>             pg_stream.Send(this.getEncoding().encode( query ));
>             pg_stream.SendChar(0);
>             pg_stream.flush();
>             // check response from backend
>             int response = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
>             if (response == 'H') {
>                 if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Received 'H' from backend. The COPY out is beginning.");
>             } else if ( response == 'E') {
>                 String error_string = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
>                 throw new SQLException( error_string );
>             } else {
>                 throw new SQLException("Copy Out should receive H from backend, but instead received: " +
>             }
>             long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
>             int a, b, c;
>             // read input stream one char at a time, but always hold three
>             a = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
>             b = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
>             c = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
>             int counter = 3;
>             while (true) {
>                 if ( Driver.logDebug && counter % 100000 == 0) {
>                     int rate = counter / (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() - start_time);
>                     System.out.println( (counter / 1000) + " KB total at " + rate + " KB/sec");
>                 }
>                 if ( a == '\\' && b == '.' &&  c == '\n' ) {
>                     // this sequence of bytes means the copy is over
>                     if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Received '\\.' from backend. The COPY out stream is
>                     break;
>                 }
>                 out.write(a);
>                 a = b;
>                 b = c;
>                 try {
>                     // the following looks unoptimized, but is really the same as[] b,
intoff, int len) 
>                     c = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
>                 } catch (Exception e) {
>                     // maybe the connection is screwed, or maybe we can salvage it. I don't know.
>                     throw e;
>                 }
>                 counter++;
>             }
>             // the backend should send the string "COPY"
>             String str = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
>             // check to make sure the backend is ready for the next query
>             response = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
>             if (response == 'Z') {
>                 if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Received 'Z' from backend. It's ready for the next query. COPY out
>             } else if ( response == 'E') {
>                 String error_string = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
>                 throw new SQLException( error_string );
>             } else {
>                 throw new SQLException("Copy should receive Z from backend, but instead received: " + (char)response
>             }
>         }
>         return;
>     }
>     /*
>      *  This will take the name of a table and a ByteArrayInputStream, construct a COPY IN query,
>      *  send the query ( while bypassing QueryExecutor), send the bytes of data and send the
>      *  3-byte sequence that signifies the end of the copy. We enclose this in a transaction to ensure
>      *  that the entire stream is copied in, or nothing at all.
>      * @param table the table to which it will copy
>      * @param in InputStream from which the copy will be read
>      * @return void
>      * @exception Exception if a database access error occurs
>      */
>     public void copyIn (String table, InputStream in) throws Exception
>     {
>         int response;
>         String str;
>         synchronized(pg_stream) {
>             // BEGIN the COPY in transaction
>             pg_stream.SendChar('Q');
>             pg_stream.Send(this.getEncoding().encode( "BEGIN" ));
>             pg_stream.SendChar(0);
>             pg_stream.flush();
>             // the backend shoul send the string "CBEGIN" - 'C' for "Completed" and 'BEGIN' for the type of completed
>             str = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
>             if ( ! str.equals("CBEGIN") ) throw new SQLException("BEGIN seemed to fail before COPY in. Received: '" +
str+ "'"); 
>             response = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
>             if ( response != 'Z' ) throw new SQLException("Backend is not ready for next query. Instead of 'Z',
received:'" + (char)response + "'"); 
>             // now "inside" a transaction and ready for COPYing in
>             String query = "COPY " + table + " FROM STDIN";
>             //if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Sending query '" + query + "' to backend.");
>             // duplicates statements in QueryExecutor.sendQuery
>             pg_stream.SendChar('Q');
>             pg_stream.Send(this.getEncoding().encode( query ));
>             pg_stream.SendChar(0);
>             pg_stream.flush();
>             // check response from backend
>             response = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
>             if (response == 'G') {
>                 if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Received 'G' from backend. The COPY in should now begin.");
>             } else if ( response == 'E') {
>                 String error_string = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
>                 throw new SQLException( error_string );
>             } else {
>                 throw new SQLException("Copy should receive G from backend, but instead received: " + (char)response
>             }
>             // send the whole input stream
>             int b; // a byte placeholder to read from in and send to backend
>             while (true) {
>                 try {
>                     b =;
>                 } catch (IOException e) {
>                     // maybe the connection is screwed, or maybe we can salvage it. I don't know.
>                     throw new SQLException("While reading from InputStream, it threw exception: '" + e + "'");
>                 }
>                 // we may want to check for the termination string '\\.\n' because we send it later. It wouldn't be
goodto send it twice 
>                 if (b == -1) {
>                     break; // the InputStream is finished
>                 } else {
>                     try {
>                         pg_stream.SendChar((char)b);
>                     } catch (IOException e) {
>                         throw new SQLException("While sending a char to the backend, it threw exception: '" + e + "'"
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
>             // send the special row
>             if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Sending the byte seqence '\\.'. The frontend has finished the COPY in
>             pg_stream.Send( new byte[] { (byte)'\\', (byte)'.', (byte)'\n' } );
>             pg_stream.flush();
>             // the backend send the string "CCOPY" - 'C' for "Completed" and 'COPY' for the type of completed query
>             str = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
>             //if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug( "Should be CCOPY: " + str);
>             // check to make sure the backend is ready for the next query
>             response = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
>             if (response == 'Z') {
>                 if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("Received 'Z' from backend. It's ready for the next query. COPY in
>             } else if ( response == 'E') {
>                 String error_string = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
>                 throw new SQLException( error_string );
>             } else {
>                 throw new SQLException("Copy should receive Z from backend, but instead received: " + (char)response
>             }
>             // since we reached this point with an error, COMMIT the COPY in transaction
>             pg_stream.SendChar('Q');
>             pg_stream.Send(this.getEncoding().encode( "COMMIT" ));
>             pg_stream.SendChar(0);
>             pg_stream.flush();
>             // the backend shoul send the string "CCOMMIT" - 'C' for "Completed" and 'COMMIT' for the type of
>             str = pg_stream.ReceiveString(this.getEncoding());
>             if ( ! str.equals("CCOMMIT") ) throw new SQLException("COMMIT seemed to fail after COPY in. Received: '"
+str + "'"); 
>             response = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
>             if ( response != 'Z' ) throw new SQLException("Backend is not ready for next query. Instead of 'Z',
received:'" + (char)response + "'"); 
>         }
>     }
>     // *****************
>     // Postgres COPY testing from org.postgresql.test.JDBCTests
>     // *****************
>         /*
>          * Tests the copyOut functionality by copying data from pg_class into a test table,
>          * then it copies that data out and check the number of 'rows' that came out.
>          */
>         public void testCopyOut()
>         {
>                 try
>                 {
>                     org.postgresql.Connection conn = (org.postgresql.Connection)JDBC2Tests.openDB();
>                     java.sql.Statement st = conn.createStatement();
>                     st.executeUpdate( "INSERT into copy_out_test SELECT relowner, relpages FROM pg_class LIMIT 20" );
>                     ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
>                     java.sql.ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT count(*) AS row_count FROM copy_out_test" );
>                     rs.first();
>                     int row_count = rs.getInt("row_count"); // the number of rows in the table copy_out_test
>                     conn.copyOut("copy_out_test",out);
>                     ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
>                     int newline_count = 0;
>                     for ( int i =; i != -1; i = ) {
>                         if (i == '\n') newline_count++; // count the number of newlines
>                     }
>                     // # of newlines should equal original LIMIT #
>                     assertEquals(row_count,newline_count);
>                 }
>                 catch (Exception ex)
>                     {
>                         assertTrue(ex.getMessage(), false);
>                     }
>         }
>         /*
>          * Tests the copyIn functionality by copying in an array of bytes, then checking their integrity in the table
>          */
>         public void testCopyIn()
>         {
>                 try
>                 {
>                     org.postgresql.Connection conn = (org.postgresql.Connection)JDBC2Tests.openDB();
>                     java.sql.Statement st = conn.createStatement();
>                     byte[] dummy_array = new byte[] {
(byte)'T',(byte)'o',(byte)'m',(byte)'\t',(byte)'1',(byte)'2',(byte)'\n',  //Tom 12 
(byte)'B',(byte)'o',(byte)'b',(byte)'\t',(byte)'2',(byte)'9',(byte)'\n',  //Bob 29 
(byte)'H',(byte)'a',(byte)'n',(byte)'\t',(byte)'4',(byte)'1',(byte)'\n'   //Han 41 
>                     };
>                     InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(dummy_array);
>                     conn.copyIn("copy_in_test",in);
>                     java.sql.ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT sum(two) AS sum FROM copy_in_test" );
>                     rs.first();
>                     int sum = rs.getInt("sum");
>                     assertEquals(sum,82); // the sum of column 'two' should equal 82 (i.e. 12 + 29 + 41)
>                 }
>                 catch (Exception ex)
>                     {
>                         assertTrue(ex.getMessage(), false);
>                     }
>         }
>         /*
>          * Test a sequence of copy commands by
>          *
>          */
>         public void testCopyOutCopyIn()
>         {
>                 try
>                 {
>                     org.postgresql.Connection conn = (org.postgresql.Connection)JDBC2Tests.openDB();
>                     java.sql.Statement st = conn.createStatement();
>                     st.executeUpdate( "INSERT into copy_out_copy_in_test SELECT relowner, relpages FROM pg_class
LIMIT20" ); 
>                     ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
>                     java.sql.ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT count(*) AS row_count FROM
>                     rs.first();
>                     int row_count = rs.getInt("row_count"); // the number of rows in the table copy_out_copy_in_test
>                     conn.copyOut("copy_out_copy_in_test",out);
>                     ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
>                     int newline_count = 0;
>                     for ( int i =; i != -1; i = ) {
>                         if (i == '\n') newline_count++; // count the number of newlines
>                     }
>                     // # of newlines should equal original LIMIT #
>                     assertEquals(row_count,newline_count);
>                     in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
>                     conn.copyIn("copy_out_copy_in_test",in);
>                     rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT count(*) AS row_count FROM copy_out_copy_in_test" );
>                     rs.first();
>                     row_count = rs.getInt("row_count"); // the number of rows in the table copy_out_copy_in_test
>                     assertEquals(row_count , newline_count*2);
>                 }
>                 catch (Exception ex)
>                     {
>                         assertTrue(ex.getMessage(), false);
>                     }
>         }
>         /*
>          * Test a sequence of copy commands by copying in an array of bytes, then copying them out
>          * and comparing the lengths of the two arrays.
>          */
>         public void testCopyInCopyOut()
>         {
>                 try
>                 {
>                     org.postgresql.Connection conn = (org.postgresql.Connection)JDBC2Tests.openDB();
>                     java.sql.Statement st = conn.createStatement();
>                     byte[] input_array = new byte[] {
>                     };
>                     InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(input_array);
>                     conn.copyIn("copy_in_copy_out_test",in);
>                     java.sql.ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT sum(two) AS sum FROM copy_in_copy_out_test" );
>                     rs.first();
>                     int sum = rs.getInt("sum");
>                     assertEquals(sum,82); // the sum of column 'two' should equal 82 (i.e. 12 + 29 + 41)
>                     // copy out the everything from the table we just copy'ed into
>                     ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
>                     conn.copyOut("copy_in_copy_out_test",out);
>                     int  input_length = input_array.length;
>                     int output_length = out.size();
>                     assertEquals(input_length, output_length); // the input and output array should be the same size
>                 }
>                 catch (Exception ex)
>                     {
>                         assertTrue(ex.getMessage(), false);
>                     }
>         }
>     // *****************
>     // test using pipes so that you don't have to read everything into memory before you sent it out.
>     // *****************
> final org.postgresql.Connection local_con  =
(org.postgresql.Connection)DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test1?loglevel=2","test" ,
> final org.postgresql.Connection local_con  =
(org.postgresql.Connection)DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test2?loglevel=2","test" ,
>         final PipedOutputStream pout = new PipedOutputStream();
>         final PipedInputStream  pin  = new PipedInputStream(pout);
>         final Thread copierOut = new Thread() {
>                 public void run() {
>                     try {
>                         remote_con.copyOut("some_source_table",pout);
>                         pout.close(); // if you don't close it, the pipe will be considered "broken" when the Thread
>                     } catch (Exception e) {
>                         System.err.println("Caught error while copying out " + e);
>                     }
>                 }
>             };
>         final Thread copierIn = new Thread() {
>                 public void run() {
>                     try {
>                         local_con.copyIn("some_destination_table",pin);
>                     } catch (Exception e) {
>                         System.err.println("Caught error while copying in " + e);
>                     }
>                 }
>             };
>         copierOut.start();
>         copierIn.start();
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to

Re: Problem with JDBC: no suitable driver

"Konstantinos Spyropoulos"
It actually works! Thank all very much :)
Dave Cramer wrote:
> Is the postgres jar actually there? Something else you can try is
> placing the postgres jar in the JAVA_HOME/lib/ext directory, and not
> using a classpath