Thread: servlets and JDBC (postgresql 7.2)

servlets and JDBC (postgresql 7.2)

Frederick Klauschen
I would like to establish a postgresql database
connection from within a Java Servlet, using
the Apache Tomcat server.
Unfortunately, I get the error: "No suitable driver
When trying to connect a Java application to the
same database (same settings (same classpath)),
everything works fine.
Is there something special about JDBC and servlets,
that might have caused this error?


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

Re: servlets and JDBC (postgresql 7.2)

Nookala Satish Kumar
Hi Frederick,

Copy the postgresql JDBC driver "postgresql.jar" file
to the TOMCAT-HOME/common/lib directory. Restart your
tomcat server. That's it.


--- Frederick Klauschen <> wrote:
> I would like to establish a postgresql database
> connection from within a Java Servlet, using
> the Apache Tomcat server.
> Unfortunately, I get the error: "No suitable driver
> found"
> When trying to connect a Java application to the
> same database (same settings (same classpath)),
> everything works fine.
> Is there something special about JDBC and servlets,
> that might have caused this error?
> Thanks,
> Frederick
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup
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> broadcast)---------------------------
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Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

Re: servlets and JDBC (postgresql 7.2)

Vernon Wu
I have the same setting here: pgSQL and Tomcat 4.0.x without any problem. You might want to check your setting and
version of PostgreSQL and its JDBC. I can't help without detailed information?

6/23/2002 12:32:33 PM, Frederick Klauschen <> wrote:

>I would like to establish a postgresql database
>connection from within a Java Servlet, using
>the Apache Tomcat server.
>Unfortunately, I get the error: "No suitable driver
>When trying to connect a Java application to the
>same database (same settings (same classpath)),
>everything works fine.
>Is there something special about JDBC and servlets,
>that might have caused this error?
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to

Re: servlets and JDBC (postgresql 7.2)

John Hicks


I have my driver (jdbc7.1-1.2.jar) in TOMCAT-HOME/lib/.
Things seem to be working OK.

Can you tell me what's supposed to be the difference
between common/lib and lib?


--John Hicks

--- Nookala Satish Kumar <>wrote:
Hi Frederick,

Copy the postgresql JDBC driver "postgresql.jar" file
to the TOMCAT-HOME/common/lib directory. Restart your
tomcat server. That's it.


--- Frederick Klauschen <> wrote:
> I would like to establish a postgresql database
> connection from within a Java Servlet, using
> the Apache Tomcat server.
> Unfortunately, I get the error: "No suitable driver
> found"
> When trying to connect a Java application to the
> same database (same settings (same classpath)),
> everything works fine.
> Is there something special about JDBC and servlets,
> that might have caused this error?
> Thanks,
> Frederick

Re: servlets and JDBC (postgresql 7.2)

On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 08:24, John Hicks wrote:
> In-Reply-To:

> I have my driver (jdbc7.1-1.2.jar) in TOMCAT-HOME/lib/.
> Things seem to be working OK.
> Can you tell me what's supposed to be the difference
> between common/lib and lib?

What version of Tomcat are you running? The location changed between 3.x
and 4.0. It will change again between 4.0 and 4.1x ->.


Tony Grant

RedHat Linux on Sony Vaio C1XD/S
Macromedia UltraDev with PostgreSQL

Re: servlets and JDBC (postgresql 7.2)

Toby Doig
> > Can you tell me what's supposed to be the difference
> > between common/lib and lib?

as i understand it, /common/lib is where you stick libraries (jars etc)
that you want your applications (webapps) to be able to make use of. so
anything in this folder should be accessible in your servlets across all
contexts, unlike putting it in the WEB-INF/lib of a particular context
which makes it only available to that context.
the /lib is where you stick stuff yto make it available to the tomcat
server itself, but unless you're developing tomcat then i doubt you'd need
this. however, the reason this works is because since its available to
tomcat its available to your contexts as well. its a hierarchy.

i must confestt that i do the same as you, i stick stuff in /lib since
i've experienced wierdness putting it in common/lib.


Re: servlets and JDBC (postgresql 7.2)

Rainer Klute
>I have my driver (jdbc7.1-1.2.jar) in TOMCAT-HOME/lib/.
>Things seem to be working OK.
>Can you tell me what's supposed to be the difference
>between common/lib and lib?

The latter is in applications' classpath, the former is *also* in
Tomcat's classpath. You will need this if you want to use PostgreSQL
for user authentication via the JDBCRealm.

Best regards
Rainer Klute

                           Rainer Klute IT-Consulting GmbH
  Rainer Klute             E-Mail:
  Körner Grund 24          Telefon: +49 172 2324824
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