Thread: getColumnName() and getColumnLabel()

getColumnName() and getColumnLabel()

"Gautham S. Rao"

Can someone provide an answer for this query.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Joseph Rajkumar" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 12:12 AM
Subject: getColumnName() and getColumnLabel()

> Hi Gautam
>         I am using a simple select statement like:
> select location_id as "Location" from resorts;
> Then from the resultSetMetaData, I am trying to
> use getColumnName() and getColumnLabel(), which
> return the same value "Location".
>   How can I get the original column name ie "location_id"
> without issuing another query. I thought that
> getColumnLabel() would return "Location" and
> getColumnName() would return "location_id", but in the
> simple example above both functions return the same
> value of "Location".
>         I am using PostgreSQL-7.2 jdbc driver and would
> like to know if this is a bug, not implemented or is
> my understanding of the two functions wrong.
> Thanks
> Joseph Rajkumar
> --
> email:
> I tried to post to the mailing
> list, but my posting did not get posted. Could you please
> post this request for me. Thanks