Thread: Setting array values in JDBC (Driver 7.2)

Setting array values in JDBC (Driver 7.2)

Doug Fields

As Barry has said, setArray() on a Prepared Statement is currently implemented.

However, there seems to be no way to actually update a Postgresql row with
a native Java array.

Per the JDBC Docs, one should be able to do this with the setObject() call.
This doesn't work in PG JDBC:

DbArrayTest.doInsertTest: SQLException: The table for [I is not in the
database. Contact the DBA, as the database is in an inconsistent state.

(when using an int[] array)

So, you can setArray() but there is no way to create an Array object except
by using the getArray() from retrieving a ResultSet. Well, if you're
creating a record from scratch, you seem to be stuck.


