Thread: Insert/Update that doesn't

Insert/Update that doesn't

Tim Holloway
The code:

    public boolean store( boolean addNew )
    servlet.log("Category1(Store): save, addnew = " + (addNew
? "true" : "false") );
    String sqlCommand = "";
    if ( addNew ) {
        sqlCommand = "INSERT INTO categories(ident, category,
description) VALUES(?,?,?)";
    } else {
        sqlCommand = "UPDATE categories SET " +
        "category=?, " +
        "description=? " +
        " WHERE ident=?";
    servlet.log("Category1(Store): Command=" + sqlCommand );
    java.lang.Exception exception = null;
    javax.sql.DataSource ds = servlet.findDataSource( null );
    if ( ds != null ) {
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Connecting..." );

        Connection conn = null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        try {
        conn = ds.getConnection();
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Connected." );
        stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlCommand);
        if ( addNew ) {
        } else {
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Store..." );
        int upcount = stmt.executeUpdate();
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Done " + upcount );
        SQLWarning w = stmt.getWarnings();
        if ( w != null ) {
            servlet.log("Category1(Store): warnings..." +
w.toString() );
        } catch ( Exception ex ) {
        exception = ex;
        } finally {
        if ( stmt != null ) {
            try {
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closing statement..." );
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closed" );
            } catch ( Exception ex ) {
            // Assume that the first exception caught is the
            if ( exception == null ) exception = ex;
        if ( conn != null ) {
            try {
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closing connection..." );
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closed..." );
            } catch ( Exception ex ) {
            // Assume that the first exception caught is the
            if ( exception == null ) exception = ex;
        } // end finally
        if ( exception != null ) {
        servlet.log("CATEGORYACTION: Exception - " +
exception.getMessage() );
        return false;
    return true;

The Trace:

2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: SAVECATEGORY: entering perform()
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Save category - ID=00001
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Save category - Name=foo123
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): save, addnew = false
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Command=UPDATE categories
SET category= ?, description= ?  WHERE ident= ?2001-12-06 20:12:15
action: Category1(Store): Connecting...
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Connected.
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Store...
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Done 1
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closing statement...
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closed
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closing connection...
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closed...

The Server Log:

011206.20:10:27.632  [2694] ProcessQuery
011206.20:10:27.637  [2694] CommitTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.390  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.391  [2458] query: UPDATE categories SET category=
'foo123', description= 'Paper documents'  WHERE ident= '00001'
011206.20:12:15.392  [2458] ProcessQuery
011206.20:12:15.400  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.405  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.405  [2458] query: rollback
011206.20:12:15.405  [2458] ProcessUtility: rollback
011206.20:12:15.406  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] query: begin
011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] ProcessUtility: begin
011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] query: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ
011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] ProcessUtility: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION
011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand


011206.20:13:23.535  [2694] StartTransactionCommand
011206.20:13:23.535  [2694] query: select * from categories;

011206.20:13:23.537  [2694] ProcessQuery
011206.20:13:23.538  [2694] CommitTransactionCommand
011206.20:13:54.033  [2694] StartTransactionCommand
011206.20:13:54.033  [2694] query: update categories set category='paper'
where ident='00001';
011206.20:13:54.037  [2694] ProcessQuery
011206.20:13:54.038  [2694] CommitTransactionCommand
011206.20:30:47.148  [2694] proc_exit(0)
011206.20:30:47.148  [2694] shmem_exit(0)
011206.20:30:47.148  [2694] exit(0)


First I ran an update against categories from a JDBC client in Tomcat. The
Tomcat trace indicates that the update succeeded. It lies. Nothing gets

Running an equivalent command from psql works fine.

One thing I notice is that the JDBC request is a lot more complex in terms
of what the backend does for it, and part of that complexity looks like a
transaction rollback undoing the update.

Can anyone explain what's going on here? It's really frustrating when you
do everything "right", get (apparently) no errors, and yet it doesn't

The exact same thing happens with non-parameterized JDBC SQL, BTW.


    Tim Holloway

Re: Insert/Update that doesn't

"Dave Cramer"

My guess is that you are getting the connection with autocommit turned
off. So unless you explicitly commit the update it will do the rollback.

You can try changing the autocommit to true, and do the update, or

Do an stmt.commit() at the end

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Tim Holloway
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 8:40 PM
Subject: [JDBC] Insert/Update that doesn't

The code:

    public boolean store( boolean addNew )
    servlet.log("Category1(Store): save, addnew = " + (addNew
? "true" : "false") );
    String sqlCommand = "";
    if ( addNew ) {
        sqlCommand = "INSERT INTO categories(ident, category,
description) VALUES(?,?,?)";
    } else {
        sqlCommand = "UPDATE categories SET " +
        "category=?, " +
        "description=? " +
        " WHERE ident=?";
    servlet.log("Category1(Store): Command=" + sqlCommand );
    java.lang.Exception exception = null;
    javax.sql.DataSource ds = servlet.findDataSource( null );
    if ( ds != null ) {
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Connecting..." );

        Connection conn = null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        try {
        conn = ds.getConnection();
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Connected." );
        stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlCommand);
        if ( addNew ) {
        } else {
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Store..." );
        int upcount = stmt.executeUpdate();
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Done " + upcount );
        SQLWarning w = stmt.getWarnings();
        if ( w != null ) {
            servlet.log("Category1(Store): warnings..." +
w.toString() );
        } catch ( Exception ex ) {
        exception = ex;
        } finally {
        if ( stmt != null ) {
            try {
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closing statement..." );
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closed" );
            } catch ( Exception ex ) {
            // Assume that the first exception caught is the
            if ( exception == null ) exception = ex;
        if ( conn != null ) {
            try {
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closing connection..." );
        servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closed..." );
            } catch ( Exception ex ) {
            // Assume that the first exception caught is the
            if ( exception == null ) exception = ex;
        } // end finally
        if ( exception != null ) {
        servlet.log("CATEGORYACTION: Exception - " +
exception.getMessage() );
        return false;
    return true;

The Trace:

2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: SAVECATEGORY: entering perform()
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Save category - ID=00001
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Save category - Name=foo123
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): save, addnew = false
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Command=UPDATE categories
SET category= ?, description= ?  WHERE ident= ?2001-12-06 20:12:15
action: Category1(Store): Connecting...
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Connected.
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Store...
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Done 1
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closing statement...
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closed
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closing connection...
2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closed...

The Server Log:

011206.20:10:27.632  [2694] ProcessQuery
011206.20:10:27.637  [2694] CommitTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.390  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.391  [2458] query: UPDATE categories SET category=
'foo123', description= 'Paper documents'  WHERE ident= '00001'
011206.20:12:15.392  [2458] ProcessQuery
011206.20:12:15.400  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.405  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.405  [2458] query: rollback
011206.20:12:15.405  [2458] ProcessUtility: rollback
011206.20:12:15.406  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] query: begin
011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] ProcessUtility: begin
011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] query: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ
011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] ProcessUtility: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION
011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand


011206.20:13:23.535  [2694] StartTransactionCommand
011206.20:13:23.535  [2694] query: select * from categories;

011206.20:13:23.537  [2694] ProcessQuery
011206.20:13:23.538  [2694] CommitTransactionCommand
011206.20:13:54.033  [2694] StartTransactionCommand
011206.20:13:54.033  [2694] query: update categories set
where ident='00001';
011206.20:13:54.037  [2694] ProcessQuery
011206.20:13:54.038  [2694] CommitTransactionCommand
011206.20:30:47.148  [2694] proc_exit(0)
011206.20:30:47.148  [2694] shmem_exit(0)
011206.20:30:47.148  [2694] exit(0)


First I ran an update against categories from a JDBC client in Tomcat.
Tomcat trace indicates that the update succeeded. It lies. Nothing gets

Running an equivalent command from psql works fine.

One thing I notice is that the JDBC request is a lot more complex in
of what the backend does for it, and part of that complexity looks like
transaction rollback undoing the update.

Can anyone explain what's going on here? It's really frustrating when
do everything "right", get (apparently) no errors, and yet it doesn't

The exact same thing happens with non-parameterized JDBC SQL, BTW.


    Tim Holloway

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: Insert/Update that doesn't

Barry Lind

I don't see any commit happening.  If you want the changes to be final,
you need to commit them.  The difference between psql and jdbc can be
explained by the fact that by default psql runs in autocommit mode (each
statement is automatically commited when executed), and it appears that
your jdbc is running in non-autocommit mode (see setAutoCommit()).


Tim Holloway wrote:

> ===========
> The code:
> ==========
>     public boolean store( boolean addNew )
>     {
>     servlet.log("Category1(Store): save, addnew = " + (addNew
> ? "true" : "false") );
>     String sqlCommand = "";
>     if ( addNew ) {
>         sqlCommand = "INSERT INTO categories(ident, category,
> description) VALUES(?,?,?)";
>     } else {
>         sqlCommand = "UPDATE categories SET " +
>         "category=?, " +
>         "description=? " +
>         " WHERE ident=?";
>     }
>     servlet.log("Category1(Store): Command=" + sqlCommand );
>     java.lang.Exception exception = null;
>     javax.sql.DataSource ds = servlet.findDataSource( null );
>     if ( ds != null ) {
>         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Connecting..." );
>         Connection conn = null;
>         PreparedStatement stmt = null;
>         try {
>         conn = ds.getConnection();
>         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Connected." );
>         stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlCommand);
>         if ( addNew ) {
>             stmt.setString(1,category.getId().trim());
>             stmt.setString(2,category.getName());
>             stmt.setString(3,category.getDescription());
>         } else {
>             stmt.setString(1,category.getName());
>             stmt.setString(2,category.getDescription());
>             stmt.setString(3,category.getId().trim());
>         }
>         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Store..." );
>         int upcount = stmt.executeUpdate();
>         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Done " + upcount );
>         SQLWarning w = stmt.getWarnings();
>         if ( w != null ) {
>             servlet.log("Category1(Store): warnings..." +
> w.toString() );
>         }
>         } catch ( Exception ex ) {
>         exception = ex;
>         } finally {
>         if ( stmt != null ) {
>             try {
>         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closing statement..." );
>             stmt.close();
>         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closed" );
>             } catch ( Exception ex ) {
>             // Assume that the first exception caught is the
> worst
>             if ( exception == null ) exception = ex;
>             }
>         }
>         if ( conn != null ) {
>             try {
>         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closing connection..." );
>             conn.close();
>         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closed..." );
>             } catch ( Exception ex ) {
>             // Assume that the first exception caught is the
> worst
>             if ( exception == null ) exception = ex;
>             }
>         }
>         } // end finally
>         if ( exception != null ) {
>         servlet.log("CATEGORYACTION: Exception - " +
> exception.getMessage() );
>         return false;
>         }
>     }
>     return true;
>     }
> ==========
> The Trace:
> ==========
> 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: SAVECATEGORY: entering perform()
> 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Save category - ID=00001
> 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Save category - Name=foo123
> 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): save, addnew = false
> 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Command=UPDATE categories
> SET category= ?, description= ?  WHERE ident= ?2001-12-06 20:12:15
> action: Category1(Store): Connecting...
> 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Connected.
> 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Store...
> 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Done 1
> 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closing statement...
> 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closed
> 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closing connection...
> 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closed...
> ===============
> The Server Log:
> ===============
> 011206.20:10:27.632  [2694] ProcessQuery
> 011206.20:10:27.637  [2694] CommitTransactionCommand
> 011206.20:12:15.390  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
> 011206.20:12:15.391  [2458] query: UPDATE categories SET category=
> 'foo123', description= 'Paper documents'  WHERE ident= '00001'
> 011206.20:12:15.392  [2458] ProcessQuery
> 011206.20:12:15.400  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
> 011206.20:12:15.405  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
> 011206.20:12:15.405  [2458] query: rollback
> 011206.20:12:15.405  [2458] ProcessUtility: rollback
> 011206.20:12:15.406  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
> 011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
> 011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] query: begin
> 011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] ProcessUtility: begin
> 011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
> 011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
> 011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] query: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ
> 011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] ProcessUtility: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION
> 011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
> --------
> 011206.20:13:23.535  [2694] StartTransactionCommand
> 011206.20:13:23.535  [2694] query: select * from categories;
> 011206.20:13:23.537  [2694] ProcessQuery
> 011206.20:13:23.538  [2694] CommitTransactionCommand
> 011206.20:13:54.033  [2694] StartTransactionCommand
> 011206.20:13:54.033  [2694] query: update categories set category='paper'
> where ident='00001';
> 011206.20:13:54.037  [2694] ProcessQuery
> 011206.20:13:54.038  [2694] CommitTransactionCommand
> 011206.20:30:47.148  [2694] proc_exit(0)
> 011206.20:30:47.148  [2694] shmem_exit(0)
> 011206.20:30:47.148  [2694] exit(0)
> ==========
> ==========
> First I ran an update against categories from a JDBC client in Tomcat. The
> Tomcat trace indicates that the update succeeded. It lies. Nothing gets
> changed.
> Running an equivalent command from psql works fine.
> One thing I notice is that the JDBC request is a lot more complex in terms
> of what the backend does for it, and part of that complexity looks like a
> transaction rollback undoing the update.
> Can anyone explain what's going on here? It's really frustrating when you
> do everything "right", get (apparently) no errors, and yet it doesn't
> work.
> The exact same thing happens with non-parameterized JDBC SQL, BTW.
>   Thanks,
>     Tim Holloway
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: Insert/Update that doesn't

Tim Holloway
Never mind. I think the "autoCommit=false" line in the struts-config.xml
file answers my question!

  Again, many thanks,

    Tim Holloway

On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Barry Lind wrote:

> Tim,
> I don't see any commit happening.  If you want the changes to be final,
> you need to commit them.  The difference between psql and jdbc can be
> explained by the fact that by default psql runs in autocommit mode (each
> statement is automatically commited when executed), and it appears that
> your jdbc is running in non-autocommit mode (see setAutoCommit()).
> thanks,
> --Barry

Re: Insert/Update that doesn't

Tim Holloway
A call to commit() did the trick OK, but I'm still puzzled. Per the JDBC
javadocs: " This method should be used only when auto-commit mode has been

There's an implication there that the default is for auto-commit to have
been ENabled, and I didn't explicitly enable OR disable auto-commit. Does
the builtin Jakarta Struts datasource pooling facility turn off


     Tim Holloway

 On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Barry Lind wrote:

> Tim,
> I don't see any commit happening.  If you want the changes to be final,
> you need to commit them.  The difference between psql and jdbc can be
> explained by the fact that by default psql runs in autocommit mode (each
> statement is automatically commited when executed), and it appears that
> your jdbc is running in non-autocommit mode (see setAutoCommit()).
> thanks,
> --Barry
> Tim Holloway wrote:
> > ===========
> > The code:
> > ==========
> >
> >     public boolean store( boolean addNew )
> >     {
> >     servlet.log("Category1(Store): save, addnew = " + (addNew
> > ? "true" : "false") );
> >     String sqlCommand = "";
> >     if ( addNew ) {
> >         sqlCommand = "INSERT INTO categories(ident, category,
> > description) VALUES(?,?,?)";
> >     } else {
> >         sqlCommand = "UPDATE categories SET " +
> >         "category=?, " +
> >         "description=? " +
> >         " WHERE ident=?";
> >     }
> >     servlet.log("Category1(Store): Command=" + sqlCommand );
> >     java.lang.Exception exception = null;
> >     javax.sql.DataSource ds = servlet.findDataSource( null );
> >     if ( ds != null ) {
> >         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Connecting..." );
> >
> >         Connection conn = null;
> >         PreparedStatement stmt = null;
> >         try {
> >         conn = ds.getConnection();
> >         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Connected." );
> >         stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlCommand);
> >         if ( addNew ) {
> >             stmt.setString(1,category.getId().trim());
> >             stmt.setString(2,category.getName());
> >             stmt.setString(3,category.getDescription());
> >         } else {
> >             stmt.setString(1,category.getName());
> >             stmt.setString(2,category.getDescription());
> >             stmt.setString(3,category.getId().trim());
> >         }
> >         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Store..." );
> >         int upcount = stmt.executeUpdate();
> >         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Done " + upcount );
> >         SQLWarning w = stmt.getWarnings();
> >         if ( w != null ) {
> >             servlet.log("Category1(Store): warnings..." +
> > w.toString() );
> >         }
> >         } catch ( Exception ex ) {
> >         exception = ex;
> >         } finally {
> >         if ( stmt != null ) {
> >             try {
> >         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closing statement..." );
> >             stmt.close();
> >         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closed" );
> >             } catch ( Exception ex ) {
> >             // Assume that the first exception caught is the
> > worst
> >             if ( exception == null ) exception = ex;
> >             }
> >         }
> >         if ( conn != null ) {
> >             try {
> >         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closing connection..." );
> >             conn.close();
> >         servlet.log("Category1(Store): Closed..." );
> >             } catch ( Exception ex ) {
> >             // Assume that the first exception caught is the
> > worst
> >             if ( exception == null ) exception = ex;
> >             }
> >         }
> >         } // end finally
> >         if ( exception != null ) {
> >         servlet.log("CATEGORYACTION: Exception - " +
> > exception.getMessage() );
> >         return false;
> >         }
> >     }
> >     return true;
> >     }
> >
> >
> > ==========
> > The Trace:
> > ==========
> >
> > 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: SAVECATEGORY: entering perform()
> > 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Save category - ID=00001
> > 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Save category - Name=foo123
> > 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): save, addnew = false
> > 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Command=UPDATE categories
> > SET category= ?, description= ?  WHERE ident= ?2001-12-06 20:12:15
> > action: Category1(Store): Connecting...
> > 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Connected.
> > 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Store...
> > 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Done 1
> > 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closing statement...
> > 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closed
> > 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closing connection...
> > 2001-12-06 20:12:15 action: Category1(Store): Closed...
> >
> > ===============
> > The Server Log:
> > ===============
> >
> > 011206.20:10:27.632  [2694] ProcessQuery
> > 011206.20:10:27.637  [2694] CommitTransactionCommand
> > 011206.20:12:15.390  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
> > 011206.20:12:15.391  [2458] query: UPDATE categories SET category=
> > 'foo123', description= 'Paper documents'  WHERE ident= '00001'
> > 011206.20:12:15.392  [2458] ProcessQuery
> > 011206.20:12:15.400  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
> > 011206.20:12:15.405  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
> > 011206.20:12:15.405  [2458] query: rollback
> > 011206.20:12:15.405  [2458] ProcessUtility: rollback
> > 011206.20:12:15.406  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
> > 011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
> > 011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] query: begin
> > 011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] ProcessUtility: begin
> > 011206.20:12:15.408  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
> > 011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] StartTransactionCommand
> > 011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] query: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ
> > 011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] ProcessUtility: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION
> > 011206.20:12:15.410  [2458] CommitTransactionCommand
> >
> > --------
> >
> > 011206.20:13:23.535  [2694] StartTransactionCommand
> > 011206.20:13:23.535  [2694] query: select * from categories;
> >
> >
> > 011206.20:13:23.537  [2694] ProcessQuery
> > 011206.20:13:23.538  [2694] CommitTransactionCommand
> > 011206.20:13:54.033  [2694] StartTransactionCommand
> > 011206.20:13:54.033  [2694] query: update categories set category='paper'
> > where ident='00001';
> > 011206.20:13:54.037  [2694] ProcessQuery
> > 011206.20:13:54.038  [2694] CommitTransactionCommand
> > 011206.20:30:47.148  [2694] proc_exit(0)
> > 011206.20:30:47.148  [2694] shmem_exit(0)
> > 011206.20:30:47.148  [2694] exit(0)
> >
> > ==========
> > ==========
> >
> > First I ran an update against categories from a JDBC client in Tomcat. The
> > Tomcat trace indicates that the update succeeded. It lies. Nothing gets
> > changed.
> >
> > Running an equivalent command from psql works fine.
> >
> > One thing I notice is that the JDBC request is a lot more complex in terms
> > of what the backend does for it, and part of that complexity looks like a
> > transaction rollback undoing the update.
> >
> > Can anyone explain what's going on here? It's really frustrating when you
> > do everything "right", get (apparently) no errors, and yet it doesn't
> > work.
> >
> > The exact same thing happens with non-parameterized JDBC SQL, BTW.
> >
> >   Thanks,
> >
> >     Tim Holloway
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> > TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: Insert/Update that doesn't

"Nick Fankhauser"
> There's an implication there that the default is for auto-commit to have
> been ENabled, and I didn't explicitly enable OR disable auto-commit. Does
> the builtin Jakarta Struts datasource pooling facility turn off
> auto-commit?

I can vouch for auto-commit being enabled by default. Our apps use straight
JDBC to the database & we've never encountered this problem. If you have
some third-party code doing connectioon pooling in the middle, I think it is
a likely candidate to check.


Nick Fankhauser  Phone 1.765.935.4283  Fax 1.765.962.9788
Ray Ontko & Co.     Software Consulting Services