Thread: PreparedStatement parameters question

PreparedStatement parameters question

"Dr. Evil"
I have a table like this:

CREATE TABLE foo { number INT, name VARCHAR(100), email VARCHAR(100));

and I am trying to do this with a prepared statement:

PreparedStatement st = db.prepareStatement("UPDATE foo SET ? = '?' " +
          "WHERE number = ?");

Whenever I use this I get a "Parameter index out of range" error.

I am assuming that what this means is that I can't use a ? as a column
name, but it can only be used as a parameter.  Am I correct in this?

The main reason I want to use PreparedStatement in this case is for
safety.  Should I basically do it like this:

PreparedStatement st = db.prepareStatement("UPDATE foo SET " + colname
          + "= '?' WHERE number = ?");

Is that the only way to do this?


Re: PreparedStatement parameters question

Rene Pijlman
On 20 Oct 2001 22:34:05 -0000, you wrote:
>PreparedStatement st = db.prepareStatement("UPDATE foo SET ? = '?' " +
>          "WHERE number = ?");
>Whenever I use this I get a "Parameter index out of range" error.
>I am assuming that what this means is that I can't use a ? as a column
>name, but it can only be used as a parameter.  Am I correct in this?

You can only use ? parameters to supply values, not table names,
column names or syntactical elements of SQL.

>Should I basically do it like this:
>PreparedStatement st = db.prepareStatement("UPDATE foo SET " + colname
>          + "= '?' WHERE number = ?");
>Is that the only way to do this?

Yes. I don't think you need the single quotes though.

René Pijlman <>