Thread: : SQLException.getErrorCode() : Where can I find list of error code and description ?

Hi everybody,

i use the postgresql jdbc driver and i need to get error code's of the thrown SQLException's in order to treat these as fatal errors or simple warnings.

Where can I find the list of error codes and description of the postgresql.Driver.SQLException ?

/  Steve SAUTETNER                ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._           \
|  INFORMACTIS         Tél: 04 72 69 52 00    @..@          `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)  |
|  DEPT R&D            Fax: 04 72 69 52 09   (\--/)         (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |
|  115 Bd Stalingrad                        (.>__<.)         `--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'           |
\  69 100  VILLEURBANNE                     ^^^  ^^^      (ll).-''  (((!.'  ((!.-'            /

Steve SAUTETNER writes:

> Where can I find the list of error codes and description of the
> postgresql.Driver.SQLException ?

PostgreSQL doesn't provide any error codes yet.  Sorry.

Peter Eisentraut


Postgres doesn't yet have a notion of error code at the server level.
Therefore the JDBC driver also doesn't have a notion of error codes.

As far are the exceptions themselves go, all errors on the backend are
fatal in the sense that they abort the current transaction and require a
rollback.  So in general there aren't any backend errors that would be
considered a warning in postgres.


Steve SAUTETNER wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> i use the postgresql jdbc driver and i need to get error code's of the
> thrown SQLException's in order to treat these as fatal errors or simple
> warnings.
> Where can I find the list of error codes and description of the
> postgresql.Driver.SQLException ?
>  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /  Steve SAUTETNER
> ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._           \
> |  INFORMACTIS         Tél: 04 72 69 52 00    @..@          `6_ 6  )
> `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)  |
> |  DEPT R&D            Fax: 04 72 69 52 09   (\--/)         (_Y_.)'
> ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |
> |  115 Bd Stalingrad                        (.>__<.)         `--'_..-_/
> /--'_.' ,'           |
> \  69 100  VILLEURBANNE                     ^^^  ^^^      (ll).-''
> (((!.'  ((!.-'            /
>  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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