Thread: unlink large objects

unlink large objects

Philip Crotwell

I am having trouble with a 7.1rc4 database filling up my disks. What I do
is put a large number of "small" large objects of seismic data into the
database in one process and use another process to unlink them after they
reach a certain age to form a buffer. The unlink seems to be working, and
some disk space is reclaimed, but the size of the database continues to
grow until the disk fills and the postgres backend dies. I have tried
vacuuming, but that doesn't help.

I poked around in the database directory and found a file named 16948 that
is 960Mb or almost all of the space on my partition. If the unlinks were
completely cleaning up, then my 8 days data buffer should be about 150Mb.
Is there a way to tell what this file is? I guess it is all the large
objects dumped in together??? Does anyone know why my unlinks wouldn't be
completely freeing the disk space?

lgelg pg> ls -l 16948
-rw-------    1 postgres postgres 959438848 Jun  8 14:31 16948
lgelg pg> pwd
lgelg pg>

I have put some more info below, if it helps. But basically I think that
the messages are all related to the disk filing, but don't explain why it


Here is a snippet of the java code fo my unlink, and I am using autocommit
            lobj = ((org.postgresql.Connection)conn).getLargeObjectAPI();

 logger.debug("before large object delete");
            // loop over all large objects, deleting them
            it = oid.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Integer nextId = (Integer);

                logger.debug("Deleting large object "+nextId);
                // delete large object data
            it = null;

            // commit changes
  "Commiting done.");

Here is the java exception I get:
An I/O error has occured while flushing the output - Exception: Broken pipe
Stack Trace: Broken pipe
        at Method)
Compiled Code)
Compiled Code)
Compiled Code)
        at org.postgresql.PG_Stream.flush(, Compiled Code)
        at org.postgresql.Connection.ExecSQL(, Compiled
        at org.postgresql.jdbc2.Statement.execute(, Compiled
        at org.postgresql.jdbc2.Statement.executeQuery(,
Compiled Code)
d Code)
Compiled Cod
Compiled Code)
        at, Compiled
End of Stack Trace

Here are the messages in the serverlog:
DEBUG:  MoveOfflineLogs: remove 00000000000000D7
DEBUG:  MoveOfflineLogs: remove 00000000000000D8
DEBUG:  MoveOfflineLogs: remove 00000000000000D9
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
DEBUG:  MoveOfflineLogs: remove 00000000000000DA
FATAL 2:  ZeroFill(/home/postgres/data/pg_xlog/xlogtemp.19371) failed: No
such file or directo
ERROR:  Write to hashjoin temp file failed
Server process (pid 19371) exited with status 512 at Thu Jun  7 03:32:52
Terminating any active server processes...
NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend  died
abnormally and possibly c
orrupted shared memory.
        I have rolled back the current transaction and am       going to
terminate your databa
se system connection and exit.
        Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend  died
abnormally and possibly c
orrupted shared memory.
        I have rolled back the current transaction and am       going to
terminate your databa
se system connection and exit.
        Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend  died
abnormally and possibly c
orrupted shared memory.
        I have rolled back the current transaction and am       going to
terminate your databa
se system connection and exit.
        Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend  died
abnormally and possibly c
orrupted shared memory.
        I have rolled back the current transaction and am       going to
terminate your databa
se system connection and exit.
        Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend  died
abnormally and possibly c
orrupted shared memory.
        I have rolled back the current transaction and am       going to
terminate your databa
se system connection and exit.
        Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
Server processes were terminated at Thu Jun  7 03:32:53 2001
Reinitializing shared memory and semaphores
DEBUG:  database system was interrupted at 2001-06-07 03:32:47 UTC
DEBUG:  CheckPoint record at (0, 3686817652)
DEBUG:  Redo record at (0, 3686817652); Undo record at (0, 0); Shutdown
DEBUG:  NextTransactionId: 9905192; NextOid: 846112
DEBUG:  database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in
DEBUG:  ReadRecord: record with zero len at (0, 3686817716)
DEBUG:  redo is not required
DEBUG:  database system is in production state

Re: unlink large objects

Tom Lane
Philip Crotwell <> writes:
> I poked around in the database directory and found a file named 16948 that
> is 960Mb or almost all of the space on my partition.

That is pg_largeobject.  Vacuuming should recover the lost space; are
you sure you've vacuumed it?

            regards, tom lane

Re: unlink large objects

Philip Crotwell

I was vacuuming, but as the owner of the database. When I do that there
are messages that should have clued me in, lke

NOTICE:  Skipping "pg_largeobject" --- only table owner can VACUUM it

From now on I will vacuum as user postgres, but I wonder if there is a
need for individual users to be able to vacuum large obects by themselves.
I assume that is problimatic since all large objects are in the same file?

Also, when the disk is nearly full, I am seeing the database crash while
trying to vacuum.
timbr pg> vacuumdb scepp
FATAL 2:  ZeroFill(/home/postgres/data/pg_xlog/xlogtemp.7922) failed: No
space left on device
pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.
        This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
connection to server was lost
vacuumdb: vacuum  scepp failed
timbr pg> df -k
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5               298663    232362     50881  82% /
/dev/hda1                17534      2482     14147  15% /boot
/dev/hda7              1111176   1039436     15296  99% /home
timbr pg> vacuumdb scepp
psql: connectDBStart() -- connect() failed: Connection refused
        Is the postmaster running locally
        and accepting connections on Unix socket '/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432'?
vacuumdb: vacuum  scepp failed

After this I went to another on of our stations that hasn't been running
very long and tried. Now instead of getting smaller the size went up by

 myrtl> df -k
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5               417743    320216     75958  81% /
/dev/hda1                17534      2482     14147  15% /boot
/dev/hda7              1458400    277884   1106432  20% /home
myrtl> su - postgres
test> vacuumdb scepp
test> df -k
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5               417743    320216     75958  81% /
/dev/hda1                17534      2482     14147  15% /boot
/dev/hda7              1458400    419660    964656  30% /home

Looking into the db directory, it seems that the space is in the xlog.
When does this get flushed?

test> du -sk *
4       PG_VERSION
153680  base
616     global
8       pg_hba.conf
4       pg_ident.conf
262468  pg_xlog
4       postgresql.conf
4       postmaster.opts
24      serverlog

I tried to vacuum again, and the space went down to 23% of disk. But still
worse than before vacuuming.
test> vacuumdb scepp
test> df -k
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5               417743    320216     75958  81% /
/dev/hda1                17534      2482     14147  15% /boot
/dev/hda7              1458400    320804   1063512  23% /home

Any suggestions?

thanks for you help,

On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Tom Lane wrote:

> Philip Crotwell <> writes:
> > I poked around in the database directory and found a file named 16948 that
> > is 960Mb or almost all of the space on my partition.
> That is pg_largeobject.  Vacuuming should recover the lost space; are
> you sure you've vacuumed it?
>             regards, tom lane