Thread: Re: [GENERAL] A different compile problem for 7.1.1

Re: [GENERAL] A different compile problem for 7.1.1

Joseph Shraibman
What version of java?

> Tim Barnard wrote:
> I'm compiling PostgreSQL 7.1.1 with Java support (--with-java).
> During gmake, immediately after this line:
>    /usr/local/ant/bin/ant -buildfile ../../../build.xml -Dmajor=7
> -Dminor=1
>         -Dfullversion=7.1.1 -Ddef_pgport=5432
> I get the following error:
>    /usr/local/java/bin/java: /usr/local/java/bin/java: Argument list
> too long
> and the build process is aborted.
> Anyone have any thoughts on what's causing this? I've found
> nothing in the archives about this.
> Tim

Joseph Shraibman
Increase signal to noise ratio.