Thread: [ROWSET]


I'm new to this mailing list and have found it whilst grappling with
pgsql-jdbc within Jbuilder on Linux.Having great fun with it over the last
Month or so, due to the nature of a project I am working on I have read
about the JDBC Optional package (in Reese's Oreilly JDBC
book). In particular he describes the use of Rowsets (Javabean resultset
interface) which would be very usefull for my current project. Does
anybody know about optional package or rowset implementation for pqsql, or
plans for such especially rowset implementations. would appreciate any
feedback on this as info to date appears to be thin on the ground. PS
Peter's Missing JDBC documentation really fills the gap!




Peter T Mount
Quoting AL <>:

> I'm new to this mailing list and have found it whilst grappling with
> pgsql-jdbc within Jbuilder on Linux.Having great fun with it over the
> last
> Month or so, due to the nature of a project I am working on I have read
> about the JDBC Optional package (in Reese's Oreilly JDBC
> book). In particular he describes the use of Rowsets (Javabean
> resultset
> interface) which would be very usefull for my current project. Does
> anybody know about optional package or rowset implementation for pqsql,
> or
> plans for such especially rowset implementations. would appreciate any
> feedback on this as info to date appears to be thin on the ground.

RowSet's are not yet implemented. They shouldn't be too difficult to add

> PS Peter's Missing JDBC documentation really fills the gap!

Yes I know, and believe me I am trying to get them completed and online, but
with the number of hours I'm having to put in to my day job, plus two machines
that are not behaving themselves, it's taking longer than I like :-(


Peter Mount
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