Thread: Re: [GENERAL] Why does the JDBC driver not support prepareCall?

Re: [GENERAL] Why does the JDBC driver not support prepareCall?

The Hermit Hacker
the interfaces.jdbc forum is brand new, and ppl have been flocking to it
quite quickly ... :)

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, mg wrote:

> I have troubles with jsp-based websites that have been generated by
> Macromedia DreamWeaver UltraDev 1.0. My analysis revealed that the
> problem lies in the JDBC driver not supporting prepareCall (prepareCall
> throws the PSQLException "" instead).
> Is there any workaround or intermediate solution? Is there anybody
> working to fill this gap, and when can a solution be expected? Is there
> anybody working on this subject?
> I already posted this question in the interfaces.jdbc forum, but since
> there are no other messages in that forum, I thought that probably
> nobody would see it there...
> Thank you for any answer.
> Regards
> --Marcel Gsteiger

Marc G. Fournier                   ICQ#7615664               IRC Nick: Scrappy
Systems Administrator @
primary:           secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org