Thread: Question on NpgsqlParameter object

Question on NpgsqlParameter object

"Oliveiros Cristina"
Hi, List.<br /><br />I am not 100% sure if this is the right list, if it isnt please kindly re-direct me to the proper
list.<br/><br />I would like to see NpgsqlCommand.CommandText value after parameter substitution. I have a query that
isnot behaving correctly and I suspect strongly that  it has to do with parameters getting instantiated in unexpected
ways.<br /><br />How can I have access to query SQL text after parameter substitution ?<br /><br />I try to look at
CommandTextProperty immediately before calling ExecuteReader() method, but I get the text with all parameters
unsubstituted.<br /><br />Any Help/Comments/Advices deeply appreciated<br /><br />Thanks in advance<br /><br
/>Cheers,<br/>Oliveiros<br />