Thread: pgadmin III 1.6.2 crashes when inserting a row

pgadmin III 1.6.2 crashes when inserting a row

Here's what I have done:

Installed postgresql 8.2 on XP Home (SP2)
Created a database
Created a table
Added two columns to the table (combined to make the key)

I then tried to add one row of data.  I entered the text into both
columns.  When I hit return, it crashes.

>From reading the posts, this has happened in past releases, is it
still a problem in this one?  If it is not, what can I do to correct
this issue from my end?



Re: pgadmin III 1.6.2 crashes when inserting a row

Andy Shellam
Hi Jeanie,

You'd be better off trying the pgadmin-support list.

Also the latest version is 1.6.3 - download from
See if the problem is still present in that version; if it is, post as 
many details/steps to reproduce etc on the pgadmin-support mailing list.

Andy. wrote:
> Here's what I have done:
> Installed postgresql 8.2 on XP Home (SP2)
> Created a database
> Created a table
> Added two columns to the table (combined to make the key)
> I then tried to add one row of data.  I entered the text into both
> columns.  When I hit return, it crashes.
> >From reading the posts, this has happened in past releases, is it
> still a problem in this one?  If it is not, what can I do to correct
> this issue from my end?
> Thanks.
> Jeanie
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