Thread: Re: [2] libpq - check PGconn* - is it valid

Re: [2] libpq - check PGconn* - is it valid

Dmitriy Chumack
I try to use async libpq functions to test connection to db.
I have such a piece of code:

bool check_connection(PGconn* connection_)
{ int rv_ = PQsendQuery(connection_, "select 0"); PGresult* result_ = PQgetResult(connection_);
 if(result_)   PQclear(result_);
 PGresult* must_be_null_ = PQgetResult(connection_); ConnStatusType status_ = PQstatus(connection_);
 if(status_ == CONNECTION_BAD)   return false; else   return true;

And I have a few problems with this code:
 1) I have to call PQgetResult twice (second call returns null),    otherwice from time to time PQsendQuery will return
error   "another command is already in progress".
 2) when there is no network connection in call of both PQsendQuery    and PQgetResult, then PQstatus returns
CONNECTION_BAD.But when    connection is ok in PQsendQuery call and is bad in PQgetResult    call, then PQstatus
returnsCONNECTION_OK !!!
 3) when there is no connections in PQsendQuery and PQgetResult, then    PQgetResult hangs and it will hang (my
patienceend after 10    minutes) until a connection come back again. It's better then    PQexec, but not that I need. I
wantthat PQgetResult returns    after a timeout.

I use libpq that comes with PostgreSQL 8.1.3 on Fedora Core 5 x86_64.

Does anyone have any suggestions?    
Thanks in advance.

Best regards,Dmitriy Chumack               
Software Developer of ApriorIT