Thread: DBI connect returning an empty hash

DBI connect returning an empty hash

Scott Cain
Hi all,

I am developing a perl module that, when it is created, establishes a
DBI connection to my postgresql database.  The problem I am having is
that when I issue a DBI->connect command, the database handle it returns
is empty (Data::Dumper shows it as an empty hash).  Here is my code:

sub new {   my $class = shift;   my %arg   = @_;
   my $self  = bless {}, ref($class) || $class;

   my $dbname = $arg{dbname};   my $dbport = $arg{dbport};   my $dbhost = $arg{dbhost};   my $dbuser = $arg{dbuser};
my$dbpass = $arg{dbpass};   my $notrans= $arg{notransact};
   warn $dbname,$dbport,$dbhost;   warn $dbuser,$notrans;
   my $dbh = DBI->connect(       "dbi:Pg:dbname=$dbname;port=$dbport;host=$dbhost",       $dbuser,       $dbpass,
{AutoCommit=> $notrans,        TraceLevel => 4}   ) or die;
   warn Dumper($dbh);

The trace output doesn't show anything strange, and at least
seems to think things went OK, because it doesn't `die` on that line.

I wrote a simple test script that does exactly the same thing, and it
works.  Does anyone have any suggestions for what might be going on


Scott Cain, Ph. D.                               
GMOD Coordinator (                     216-392-3087
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Re: DBI connect returning an empty hash

Scott Cain
Nevermind; sorry to have bothered this list about this.  It turns out
that when DBI/DBD::Pg is working correctly, the database handle does
look like a blessed empty hash, so that is not my problem.  There must
be something wrong with the way I am trying to cache the handle in my

Thanks anyway,

On Thu, 2006-04-06 at 12:34 -0400, Scott Cain wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am developing a perl module that, when it is created, establishes a
> DBI connection to my postgresql database.  The problem I am having is
> that when I issue a DBI->connect command, the database handle it returns
> is empty (Data::Dumper shows it as an empty hash).  Here is my code:
> sub new {
>     my $class = shift;
>     my %arg   = @_;
>     my $self  = bless {}, ref($class) || $class;
>     my $dbname = $arg{dbname};
>     my $dbport = $arg{dbport};
>     my $dbhost = $arg{dbhost};
>     my $dbuser = $arg{dbuser};
>     my $dbpass = $arg{dbpass};
>     my $notrans= $arg{notransact};
>     warn $dbname,$dbport,$dbhost;
>     warn $dbuser,$notrans;
>     my $dbh = DBI->connect(
>         "dbi:Pg:dbname=$dbname;port=$dbport;host=$dbhost",
>         $dbuser,
>         $dbpass,
>         {AutoCommit => $notrans,
>          TraceLevel => 4}
>     ) or die;
>     warn Dumper($dbh);
>     ...etc...
> The trace output doesn't show anything strange, and at least
> seems to think things went OK, because it doesn't `die` on that line.
> I wrote a simple test script that does exactly the same thing, and it
> works.  Does anyone have any suggestions for what might be going on
> here?
> Thanks,
> Scott
Scott Cain, Ph. D.                               
GMOD Coordinator (                     216-392-3087
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory