Thread: Released pgin.tcl-3.0.0 beta: pure-Tcl interface with encoding

Released pgin.tcl-3.0.0 beta: pure-Tcl interface with encoding

pgin.tcl-3.0.0 has been released to Gborg and can be found at:

This is a beta release which adds character set encoding/decoding to fix
misbehavior of pgin.tcl when used with non-ASCII character sets. Like
Pgtcl, pgtcl-ng, and libpgtcl, pgin.tcl now sets PostgreSQL
client_encoding to Unicode, and sends/receives UTF-8 encoded text
strings to/from PostgreSQL. Pgin.tcl also recodes COPY data, which
the libpq-based Tcl interfaces do not correctly handle at this time.

(Thanks to pfm developer Willem Herremans, who first convinced me that
encoding was broken in pgin.tcl, then provided the understanding of how
Tcl and PostgreSQL handle character set conversions and how to get them
to play nicely together.)

Please see the release README file for cautions against using non-ASCII
characters in an SQL_ASCII-encoded database.

pgin.tcl is a Tcl interface to PostgreSQL which is written entirely in Tcl,
and is mostly but not entirely command-compatible with other versions of
the PostgreSQL Tcl interface, especially pgtcl-ng.  It does not require the
libpq library, but communicates directly with the PostgreSQL backend using
Tcl input/output capabilities.  The goal is to support platform-independent
PostgreSQL applications and utilities written in Tcl/Tk, which run 'out of
the box' anywhere Tcl is available.