Thread: CORBA Server Requiring Connectivity and Activity with PostgreSQL 8.0 on RH Linux 9

PostgreSQL Developers:

Kindly, are there examples of how to connect a CORBA
Server to PostgreSQL 8.0 and have the CORBA Server
perform programmatic DB selects and DB updates?

I have already setup my LINUX system to have a regular
NON-CORBA, NON-Distributed C++ app call into
PostgreSQL through GBorgs STL-implemented pqxx C++
PostgreSQL API Library.

Now, I require the next step have a CORBA Server, that
I would develop use this pqxx C++ PostgreSQL API and
return result sets back to the client.

Q1: How can I accomplish this? ( Again, to have a C++
CORBA Server call upon the pqxx C++ PostgreSQL API
Library and make Database calls ( CREATE TABLE
commands, SELECT commands, DROP TABLE commands, etc )
against PostgreSQL 8.0 on Red Hat LINUX 9.

Any assistance to pointers and/or concrete solutions (
brief boilerplate code samples would be very helpful,
since my time is somewhat urgent to find out how to do

I have also seen the /corba subdirectory under the
PostgreSQL source branch and saw a few .idl files and
a server.cpp file -- what use is this for?

Thanks kindly.

Tom Wallick

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