Thread: DBD::Pg and $sth->{ParamValues}

DBD::Pg and $sth->{ParamValues}


What is the status of the this attribute? I would like to help
implement the code (since I need it for my application).

But I'm a bit confused about what the status of prepared statements is
in the code. I'm assuming the the dbd_st_execute() in dbdimp.c is the
latest code used and that prescan_stmt.c isn't being used.

I'm not a great C coder anymore so pardon my ignorance. From my
reading of the code, there is an array:
    const char **paramValues;

which is dynamically allocated:
    paramValues = calloc(imp_sth->numphs, sizeof(*paramValues));

but it is never freed, isn't that a memory leak? I'm wondering about
this because in order to make the ParamValues attribute work, I'll
need to make that array part of the statement handle - and I don't
want to be keeping track of memory that is going to vanish out from
underneath me.
