Thread: confused newbie (to pg not db's)
I have setup a database that I am the owner of, and I am trying to setup constraints and it doesn't seem to be working Example - Table: public."Invoice_Header" -- DROP TABLE public."Invoice_Header"; CREATE TABLE public."Invoice_Header" ( "Inv_ID" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('public."Invoice Header_ID_seq"'::text), "client_ID" int2 NOT NULL, payable_recievable varchar(5), "date_CREATED" date, "AMOUNT" money, amount_paidmoney, date_paid date ) WITH OIDS; I am trying to make Inv_ID a primary key as follows alter table Invoice_Header ADD CONSTRAINT PK_inv PRIMARY KEY (Inv_ID) which runs without error, but nothing changes this is from psql with PG 7.3.2 any help appreciated
mike <> writes: > CREATE TABLE public."Invoice_Header" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > I am trying to make Inv_ID a primary key as follows > alter table Invoice_Header ADD CONSTRAINT PK_inv PRIMARY KEY (Inv_ID) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > which runs without error, but nothing changes I think you have tables named "Invoice_Header" and "invoice_header", and the latter table is what's getting affected by your ALTER. If you are going to use mixed-case names then you have to be consistent about double-quoting them all the time. regards, tom lane
On Thu, 2004-02-12 at 15:45, Tom Lane wrote: > mike <> writes: > > CREATE TABLE public."Invoice_Header" > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > > I am trying to make Inv_ID a primary key as follows > > > alter table Invoice_Header ADD CONSTRAINT PK_inv PRIMARY KEY (Inv_ID) > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > > which runs without error, but nothing changes > > I think you have tables named "Invoice_Header" and "invoice_header", > and the latter table is what's getting affected by your ALTER. If you > are going to use mixed-case names then you have to be consistent about > double-quoting them all the time. > > regards, tom lane > I worked out what was happening - I was missing the ; Not helped by pgaccess and pgadmin not working right in different ways > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate > subscribe-nomail command to so that your > message can get through to the mailing list cleanly >