Thread: Re: Where is Postgesql ? - MYSQL SURPRISES WITH MAXDB

Re: Where is Postgesql ? - MYSQL SURPRISES WITH MAXDB

Robert Treat
On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 10:30, wrote:
> It would appear that MySQL is making great strides into the commercial and
> even the enterprise arena.
> I am not seeing the same news coverage being said about Postgresql.
> I believe Postgresql has been a much better rdbms than MySQL for a long
> time, so then why has not Postgresql grabbed the commercial and enterprise
> arena before MySQL did?

MySQL has always put a concerted effort into marketing it's database,
which makes sense since they are a commercial organization whose main
existence is to make money. Add to that there recent injection of
venture capital which garners them lots of media attention and their
recent partnership with sapdb which gives them a direct line into the
enterprise market, and its no real surprise that they can make

I believe will have a technically superior product (more features than
mysql, better performance than sapdb) but as history has shown thats not
always enough to the dominant player. Personally though I'd rather see
folks focus on questions like "why haven't we gained a large influx of
former informix users?" and "how can we get more software developers to
port their software to postgresql?"

BTW - This is rather off topic for this newsgroup, if you want to
discuss it further or have an inkling to get involved promoting
postgresql, i'd suggest posting to pgsql-advocacy, where there are a
whole gaggle of folks who seem to tread this ground on a regular basis.

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL