Thread: help transfer ring blobs using perl

help transfer ring blobs using perl

omkar prabhu
i am using postgres 7.0.3
and also postgres 7.2.1

I am new towards using blobs,I want to transfers
records with blobs from a table to different
database(postgres) using 
perl without extracting the blob to disk(i.e without
using lo_export/lo_import).

Below is my perl script which is not working can
anybody help in this.

$rest = $conn->exec("begin");
$stmt="select * from image ;";
$result = $conn->exec($stmt);
if ( $result->resultStatus ne PGRES_TUPLES_OK )
die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_TUPLES_OK eq
print "\n Number of Processes Scheduled    $n \n";

while ( @row=$result->fetchrow)
{ $fld=$row[0]; $fd=Pg::lo_open($conn,$fld,"r"); if ( $fd ) {  $buf="";  Pg::lo_read($conn,$fd,$buf,20000); }
 $foid=Pg::lo_creat($conn,"w"); $fdw=Pg::lo_open($conn,$foid,"w"); Pg::lo_write($conn,$fdw,$buf,20000);
Pg::lo_close($conn,$foid);$stmt="insert into photo values($foid)"; $resi = $conn->exec($stmt);
 if ( $resi->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK )  {    die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_TUPLES_OK eq
$resi->resultStatus;  }


$rest = $conn->exec("end");

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