Thread: ANNOUNCE: Gedafe 1.2.0

ANNOUNCE: Gedafe 1.2.0

David Schweikert
Tobias Oetiker, David Schweikert, Fritz Zaucker, Adi Fairbank, and
Freek Zindel are proud to announce:               _        __        _   ____    ___ __ _  ___  __| | __ _ / _| ___  /
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####Gedafe (the Generic Database Front-End) 1.2.0 ####

   Gedafe (Generic Database Front-End) is an application independent   end-user web front-end for databases.
Applicationindependant means,   that the front-end doesn't have any information about the structure   and contents of
   The idea behind Gedafe is to put all the application logic into the   database, along with meta-information on how
topresent the data.   The front-end then gathers this information and uses it to build the   user interface. This
approachgreatly reduces development time since   you only have to develop the application at the database level and
theweb front-end comes for free.
   And there is more:    * Gedafe uses a flexible templating system. It allows you     customize the look of the user
interfaceto a large degree.
   * Gedafe generated interfaces support "deep linking". This     means that you can bookmark every page as it is
   * At the moment Gedafe works only with PostgreSQL. But the     structure of the application does not depend on
   * Gedafe is *NOT* yet another database-administration front-end     with table editing ability. It is a real user

Release Notes
 * PearlReports have been integrated with gedafe. It is now possible   to write perl modules (pearls) which will be
pickedup by gedafe   and presented in the "Entry" screen. The idea is to use this   facility for generating complex,
structured(multi-level) reports.   Pearls have access to gedafes Webform generator as well a to the   database handle.
 * More widgets: the 'widget' attribute of the meta_fields   can now specify more widgets and widgets can now have
parameters.  For example with 'idcombo(combo=...)' another combo-box can be   selected instead of the one chosen by
 * Blobs (files) can now be inserted into bytea columns if you have   Postgresql >= 7.2
 * Referencing large tables can now be done trough a java applet   instead of a html select widget. This makes large
(>100rows or a   few kb) tables more easy to use.
 * Dates can now be entered with a special 'date' widget.
 * Data can now be scanned for tokens resembling web objects (e.g.   e-mail addresses, http urls), and automatically
markedup to be   hyper links. Set the 'markup' attribute to 1 in meta_fields for the   desired column.  * Gedafe can
nowcount the total number of results returned from the   database.  This is helpful for seeing the number of items
foundby a   search, and in skipping to the beginning end or of a result set.  * If you have the Text::CSV_XS Perl
moduleinstalled (available from CPAN),   gedafe automatically detects it, and gives the option of exporting data
eitherin CSV format (comma-separated-values), or in tab-delimited format.   CSV format is useful for data with embedded
 * The meta_fields attribute 'align' can be used to change the alignment   of a coulumn.
 * The buttons in the list view (with the arrows for navigation and 'ADD' to   add a new record) can now also appear at
thetop before the list.

   Gedafe is released under the GNU General Public License.   Read more about it and download at
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