Thread: libpgtcl modifications

libpgtcl modifications

I hacked libpgtcl to get the following working:
> A broken backend connection trigers a notify event to the client (fixed
> notification string "connection_closed") so proper action can be taken to switch
> to another database server etc. Remember that this is event driven. If you have
> applications, that have idle database connections most of the time, you'll get
> immediate feedback of a dying server. Upon connection to the server issue a
> pg_notify for notify event "connection_closed" and whenever the backend crashes
> (which it does do in very very rare cases) you get an event driven recovery. (of
> course the Tcl-Event loop has to be processed). Issuing a notification
> "connection_closed" on a still working database could be used for switching to
> another db-server.
> I'd like to share my changes (because I don't want to apply them to every
> release). What's the way to go ?

Attached is a patch (hope I did it right ;-) )

Gerhard Hintermayer