hi, I am using the Pg.pm module to interact with the db from perl.
Using it i am facing a wierd problem in using the "COPY from" command.
The command works when used from the psql prompt but gives the following
error when called using perl.
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ".9"
This rules the possibility that it is unable to open the file or something
like that.As far as parsing goes , shudnt it be same when called from
the psql prompt and perl.
A sample line from the file
1<tab><tab>485171<tab>/lib/<tab>ld-2.2.5.so<tab>15<tab>Sep 4 2001 0<tab>1<tab>word\n
(where tab is replaced by actual <tab>)
the table looks like is :
int2 varchar int varchar varchar int2 varchar int2 int2 varchar
(for the respective fields above)
the call from perl looks like
$result=$conn->exec("COPY dbmisc FROM \'/copypages/filename\'");
I think it is giving error in parsing "" .
Cant understand y this error is not given when called from psql prompt?
I am using the pgsql-7.2 (from redhat 7.3) with Redhat 7.2 (is it due to this?).
Please help
Varun Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.