Thread: libpqxx 0.4.0 released

libpqxx 0.4.0 released

"Jeroen T. Vermeulen"
I've just put version 0.4.0 of libpqxx--the alternative C++ frontend to
PostgreSQL--out the door.  Recent improvements include yet more STL
conformance, documentation changes, and what in theory should be minor 

There have been two incompatible changes this time.  First, and least
importantly, Result::Field::name() has finally been renamed to Name() to
match all other Name() methods.

Second, and more importantly, the Transactor::TRANSACTIONTYPE typedef
has been changed to a more STL-conformant argument_type.  This is meant
to fit better with what the standard library expects from function
objects.  If your code overrides TRANSACTIONTYPE, its meaning may change
without warning unless and until you replace that name by the newer

The two things I really need to get done now are (i) somehow make the
autoconf-generated config.h safe to install, and (ii) get the 'install'
make target to install the headers properly.  Getting an existing
medium-sized libpq++-based application, Little Brother, to compile with
libpqxx turned out to be no trouble at all.

As usual, get it at

Please let me know what you think!
