Thread: libpqxx & lost connections

libpqxx & lost connections

"Jeroen T. Vermeulen"
I've just added some plumbing to libpqxx that checks for lost
connections while a transaction is being committed.  As discussed here
last week, in that situation there is no way to tell whether the
transaction really succeeded or not and the only things a front-end
library can do are to (i) warn the user, and (ii) not retry the 

At some piont I would like to go to the next stage and try to deal with
these situations as soon as the connection is re-established.  I could
do this by setting up a "user-level transaction log" table, but I do
expect that to be a significant performance drain and source of 

Alternatively, perhaps it would be possible to expose a minimal query
interface to the transaction log, so the front-end would have a fighting
chance of reconnecting and figuring out what happened to its last 
transaction (committed / aborted / don't remember).  I don't know
enough about the back-end to see if this would be feasible, and I do
realize it would probably require a change to the frontend-backend
interface (like maybe sending a transaction ID back as a result for a
BEGIN WORK statement, and adding a "check transaction" internal query).  
But a useful thing to keep in mind for the future perhaps?

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