Thread: "Pure" object oriented interface

"Pure" object oriented interface

"Renji Panicker"

I understand is an object oriented database. Does Postgres provide an
interface to access the data as objects?

I came across the definition of "OID", which, I gather, uniquely identifies
each instance(row) in a class(table). Is there anyway I manipulate the
underlying using the oid's, and bypassing SQL totally?

I further also understood from the docs that it is possible to do this using
SQL, but is there a better solution?

This should help me implement complex operations on the database, such as
for each instance 'i' in class 'EmployeeList'
{   do something very complex with object 'i'   store changes back.

I would appreciate any suggestions from anyone who thinks what I am asking
makes sense in the first place ;)

Renji Panicker.