Thread: link tables from DB1 to DB2

link tables from DB1 to DB2

DI Hasenöhrl
Hi all,
I use postgresql 7.0.2 as backend and MsAccess97 as frontend. In MsAccess I have the possibility to *link* tables to other Databases and other Databasesystems. Now, I'm interested, if there is a possibility to *link* a table from DB1 to DB2 (DB1 and DB2 are postgresql databases).
For instance:
    In DB1, there is a table *clients* and *articles* and ...
    in DB2, I want to create a *link* to table *clients* and a link to table *articles*, in order to use these information. I can't copy     these tables, because these tables are updated from other users from time to time.
Please, can someone give me some hints, how to create these *links*
Thanks in advance