Thread: Using mod_python apache module

Using mod_python apache module

Jim Hurlburt

I have a linux system, a fairly heavly modified version of mandrake 7.1 
(upgraded a piece at a time instead of re-installing)2.4.5 kernelpython 2.1.1postgresql 7.1.2apache 1.3.20mod_python
apachemodule     (requires a copy of python compiled without threads)kde 2.1.1gcc 2.95.3 (came with mandrake)

Libraries etc such that all of the above except gcc were compiled on this 

I fetched the tarball of postgresql 7.1.2, mxDateTime and built 
them.  mxDateTime appears to have installed correctly -- at least I can 
import mx.DateTime without an error.
Postgresql appears to have built and installed ok -- initdb worked, I started 
the server and was able to connect to the command line interface, create and 
manipulate tables and users.  Imported data to several tables from 

I am in the process of building a web application (database driven mud server 
with attendant world editing capabilities) with a browser interface into the 

I am currently using python, with mod_python on apache, and mysql (MySQLdb) 
as the data engine.

For several reasons, not the least of which is subselects, I wish to move to 
postgresql.  I was able to compile and run the server with only normal hassle 
as I learned how to do it.  However, so far I am unable to use Pygresql, and 
my attempt to use PoPy failed with thread issues vs mod_python.

I sent an e-mail requesting enlightenment to the maintainer of pygresql 
( and have recieved no reply.  I hesitate to bug him -- don't 
know what the customs are.

The results of attempting to use pygresql are --

this test script.
import sys, os, re, pg
print "Hello There"

I got the following set of error messages.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 3, in ?   import sys, os, re, pg File
"/usr/local/lib/python2.1/",line 7, in ?   from _pg import *
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.1/site-packages/ undefined 
symbol: PQoidValue

I got essentially the same error message when trying to run one of the test 
scripts in the postgresql source tree.

It would appear to me that either a header file was not found when was built, or my version of python is not viable for this module.

Any clues?  I would be happy to RTFM if I had any clue as to which manual, 
and what I might be looking for.  
I have dug thru the faq and other on line resources -- attempted to search 
the mailing list archive without success.  One thread that hinted that an 
install script for pygresql might need updating, but if a resolution, or even 
a clear description of the problem it was to solve, was there I didn't find 

Bottom line is that I would like to use postgresql with python and apache.  I 
would much prefer to use the mod_python apache module, but would consider 
different ideas if necessary.

thanks in advance
Jim Hurlburt
Yakima, WA
A chair by fire -- A cat on the lap -- A drink at hand --A good book   -- Paradise