Thread: RE: URGENT - How to export data from EXCEL to Postgr eSQL ou pgaccess as you want...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Eckermann [] 
> Sent: 19 July 2001 18:30
> To: veronique DROUELLE;
> Subject: RE: [INTERFACES] URGENT - How to export data from 
> EXCEL to Postgr eSQL ou pgaccess as you want... 
> You will need to remove the double quotes that Excel puts 
> around all fields with commas in them (seeing this is not 
> CSV, I don't know why Excel does this), unless you are happy 
> to see those quotes in your data. You will need to check for 
> embedded tabs in your data, or your fields may not line up 
> correctly. One way to do this: 1. Save the Excel file as CSV 
> 2. Remove all tabs from the file (perhaps replace with 
> spaces) 3. Open the edited CSV file using Excel 4. Save again 
> as tab-delimited text 5. Edit out double quotes and carriage 
> returns. You will now have a file suitable for importing using COPY.

Or just use the Import Wizard in pgAdmin
( which will happily deal with quotes
for you.

Regards, Dave.