Thread: RE: URGENT - How to export data from EXCEL to Postgr eSQL ou pgaccess as you want...

You will need to remove the double quotes that Excel puts around all fields
with commas in them (seeing this is not CSV, I don't know why Excel does
this), unless you are happy to see those quotes in your data.
You will need to check for embedded tabs in your data, or your fields may
not line up correctly.
One way to do this:
1. Save the Excel file as CSV
2. Remove all tabs from the file (perhaps replace with spaces)
3. Open the edited CSV file using Excel
4. Save again as tab-delimited text
5. Edit out double quotes and carriage returns.
You will now have a file suitable for importing using COPY.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:    Jeremy Buchmann []
> Sent:    Thursday, July 19, 2001 10:13 AM
> To:    veronique DROUELLE;
> Subject:    Re: [INTERFACES] URGENT - How to export data from EXCEL to
> PostgreSQL ou pgaccess as you want... 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I'd like know how recover data from EXCEL table. This table
> > contains values of a ELISA plate with coordonates (A1,
> > A2...A12....H12).I'm explaining: columns are 1..12 and rows
> > are A .. H and I'd like recover values of this table with
> > coordonates. For example 4.256 for A4! and this, for the 96
> > values...
> > 
> > I know CSV format exists but I don't know how recover CSV
> > enregistered data.
> Save the Excel table as tab-delimited text and then you can use the COPY
> command to dump it into PostgtreSQL.
> -- Jeremy  []
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
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