Thread: MS Access 97 SR-1, psqlodbc, slow perfomance

MS Access 97 SR-1, psqlodbc, slow perfomance

Jüri Fjodorov
hi all!

im just trying to migrate my ms access back-end to postgres. i used
pgadmin for it and now i have tables stored in postgres on mandrake 7.2
server. frontend is still ms access.(at least im trying redoing it for

problem is, when i do something(anything) with bounded
form/report(changing text box source, for example), access makes
connection to backend. i dont realy know what it do there as i am a
newbie at postgres, but its real pain in the butt with about 1000K
records in few tables. you see, i dont like to wait 2 mins just for
changing text box source.

i have strange feeling that its not normal and something configured
wrong. why access have to access backend all the time while i am in
form/report edit mode?

anyone can help me out?
thanx in advance

RE: MS Access 97 SR-1, psqlodbc, slow perfomance

"Jeff Johnson"
> problem is, when i do something(anything) with bounded
> form/report(changing text box source, for example), access makes
> connection to backend. i dont realy know what it do there as i am a
> newbie at postgres, but its real pain in the butt with about 1000K
> records in few tables. you see, i dont like to wait 2 mins just for
> changing text box source.

I hope it doesn't "select count(*)" anywhere.  Postgres is painfully
slow for doing that.  I'm a postgres newbie so hopefully someone knows
a workaround or knows that they're working on improving it.

RE: MS Access 97 SR-1, psqlodbc, slow perfomance

"Henshall, Stuart - WCP"
Hello,That does sound rather a long time. Check the driver options to see
if logging is enable. Also check to see if ODBC is tracing. Make sure both
these options are of. Also unles you use the fetch option I *think* the ODBC
driver will just try and upload the entire result of the query (which will
take a loooong time if you don't have a where clause on a million row
table). When you say changing text box source do you mean the text boxes
Control Source or the actual data? Do both take a long time or only one?
What is the Record Source for the form? Is it a passthrough query or a
linked table? Also if its based on a join, MS Access joins a slow. For help
on ODBC problems there is a mailing list on
Hope this helps,
- Stuart

> -----Original Message-----
> From:    Jüri Fjodorov []
> Sent:    Tuesday, July 10, 2001 3:26 PM
> To:
> Subject:    MS Access 97 SR-1, psqlodbc, slow perfomance
> hi all!
> im just trying to migrate my ms access back-end to postgres. i used
> pgadmin for it and now i have tables stored in postgres on mandrake 7.2
> server. frontend is still ms access.(at least im trying redoing it for
> postgres..)
> problem is, when i do something(anything) with bounded
> form/report(changing text box source, for example), access makes
> connection to backend. i dont realy know what it do there as i am a
> newbie at postgres, but its real pain in the butt with about 1000K
> records in few tables. you see, i dont like to wait 2 mins just for
> changing text box source.
> i have strange feeling that its not normal and something configured
> wrong. why access have to access backend all the time while i am in
> form/report edit mode?
> anyone can help me out?
> thanx in advance
> jyri