Thread: Re: Subject: unbuffered results from libpq?

Re: Subject: unbuffered results from libpq?

"Timothy H. Keitt"
I realized after this post that one solution is to use a cursor.  You 
can then fetch in small chuncks and write to a local buffer.  The 
problem for a general interface applicaiton such as mine is nested 
transactions --- cursors can only be used within transactions which will 
fail if the the user has independently initiated a transaction (unless 
this has been fixed).


Alexey Nalbat wrote:

> Hello.
> I have exactly the same question. Could anybody answer it?
> My impression is that it can't be maid. Even use of functions PQsetnonblocking,
> PQsendQuery, PQgetResult, PQconsumeInput,.. doesn't help. Is it so?
> Thanks.
>>My impression is that libpq buffers all results of a query.  Is there a 
>>way to get a "result stream" from the backend instead of having libpq 
>>read everything into a local buffer first?  Currently, my application, 
>>after a query, simply copies the entire buffer from the libpq side into 
>>storage on the application side.  This seems expensive for large 
>>queries.  I'd rather read results directly into storage on the 
>>application side, i.e., "while input get next value from backend".  (I 
>>know about libpqeasy, but this only iterates over the libpq buffer.)

Timothy H. Keitt
Department of Ecology and Evolution
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, New York 11794 USA
Phone: 631-632-1101, FAX: 631-632-7626