Hello All,
I have been working very hard to try and figure out how to get my existing
functions to work in my Postgresql "C" extensions.
I have run across something strange I think.
My original functions have a prototype like:
string EncryptString(const char *plaintext, const char *passPhrase);
string DecryptString(const char *ciphertext, const char *passPhrase);
and my extencions file is trying to get them in the form:
// These are the DES Crypto functions
text *desencrypt(text *plaintext, text *passPhrase);
text *desdecrypt(text *ciphertext, text *passPhrase);
The problem is that I cannot seem to get the VARDATA and VARSIZE to work
correctly and the VARSIZE always seems to be 4 bytes longer for each of the
input variables.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I tried to work along the copy_text() demo in the funcs.c example but this does
not seem to work.
In anycase, inside my existing functions, I need to be able to work with "char
*plaintext", "char *ciphertext", and "char *passPhrase"
How can I encapsulate my existing functions for this with "text *" inputs.
Cheers :( :( :( :( :( :(
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