Thread: data trnsfer through Web.

data trnsfer through Web.

Manika dey
 I want to transfer data files to database(postgresql) through Web,I am using java servlets for server-side programming
. When i transfer the data files  from users directory on  database server machine i could do  it successfully, the
datais stored successfully in database with absolutely no problem.
 But when i transfer the datafile from users directory of different machine(have different IP address connected on same
network)It gives error :: "file/users/file.dat" not  found also gives postgresql Fastpath error
 i would be helpful if somebody can help me solve this.
 JAVA -- JDK1.1.4 SERVLET --JSDK2.0 DBMS---POSTGRSQL6.3 PLATFORM----SOLARIS2.5 It is not possible to upgrade any of

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