Thread: RE: your mail

RE: your mail

Bob Kline
On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Aziz ABI wrote:

> Merci pour votre exemple
> Mais ce que je veux c'est de cr�er une connexion ODBC � partie d'un
> programme VB sans passer par ODBC 32 du panneau de configuration.
> Merci

Ah, sounds as if you want to create the DSN, not the connection.

Try this:

Declare Function SQLConfigDataSource Lib "ODBCCP32" _   (ByVal pWind As Long, _  ByVal reqType As Long, _   ByVal
driverAs String, _    ByVal attrs As String) As Long

Private Sub Form_Load()   Dim rc As Long   ' 1=ODBC_ADD_DSN   rc = SQLConfigDataSource(0, 1, "PostgreSQL", _
               "DSN=NouvelleDS" & Chr(0) & _                            "Servername=foo" & Chr(0) & _
        "Username=bar" & Chr(0) & _                            "Port=5432" & Chr(0) & _
"Protocol=6.4"& Chr(0) & _                            "ReadOnly=0" & Chr(0) & _
"RowVersioning=0"& Chr(0) & _                            Chr(0))   If rc = 0 Then       MsgBox "Can't create data
source"  Else       MsgBox "Data source created successfully"   End If
End Sub

Bob Kline