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Alexaki Sofia

I have created  a transaction consisting of several batch updates in
order to improve the performance(i.e. executeBatch() commands).I 'd expect (according to jdbc) when an executeBatch()
an exception the transaction rolls back, that is updates the previous
executeBatch() commands containing in the transaction have incurred are

However I think in postgresql a batch update is considered to be a
transaction. This is incompatible with jdbc. 

Here is a part of the codecon.setAutoCommit(false);stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE  t1 (id int)");stmt.addBatch("CREATE
TABLE t2 (id int)");stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE  t3 (test int)");int [] updateCounts = stmt.executeBatch();
stmt.clearBatch();stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE  t4 (id int)");stmt.addBatch( "CREATE TABLE  t4 (id int)"); int []
updateCounts1= stmt.executeBatch();con.commit(); } catch(SQLException ex) con.rollback();
System.err.println("SQLException:" + ex.getMessage(