Thread: RE: pgAdmin problems

RE: pgAdmin problems

Dave Page

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bryan Bateman []
> Sent: 28 November 2000 07:59
> To:
> Subject: [INTERFACES] pgAdmin problems
> I have sucessfully installed postgres on a Linux machine.  I can us
> phpPgAdmin running under Apache on the linux machine to manipulate the
> database.  I have created a DSN on a Win2K box and can link 
> through it to
> the database on the linux box.
> I then start up PgAdmin to connect through the same DSN and get the
> following error in the log file:


This error is caused by records being missing from the pgadmin_param system
table. It should self-repair itself, however in some circumstances it may
not. To fix it manually (assuming you don't use revision tracking - if so,
please let me know your current version number) execute the following SQL
queries in an SQL dialogue:

DELETE FROM pgadmin_param
INSERT INTO pgadmin_param VALUES ('1', '1', 'SSO Version')
INSERT INTO pgadmin_param VALUES(2, 'N', 'Revision Tracking enabled?')
INSERT INTO pgadmin_param VALUES(3, '1.0', 'Revision Tracking version') 

This bug has been fixed in the current development code.


Re: pgAdmin problems

"Bryan Bateman"
Almost there.

The inserts below worked like a charm.

I have one more problem and I know it is my lack of experience with
Postgresql.  I have scanned the doucumentaion and can not figure this one
out.  I have attached one more log file entry with the username and password
altered to protect the innocent (me).  I got this error when trying to
execute system/users from the menu.  When I created the user in question, I
gave it permission to create tables and new users.  I then did an alter user
to assign a password.

Is there anything else I need to do to the user configuration to make it

Thanks in advance.

> > I have sucessfully installed postgres on a Linux machine.  I can us
> > phpPgAdmin running under Apache on the linux machine to manipulate the
> > database.  I have created a DSN on a Win2K box and can link
> > through it to
> > the database on the linux box.
> >
> > I then start up PgAdmin to connect through the same DSN and get the
> > following error in the log file:
> <SNIP>
> This error is caused by records being missing from the pgadmin_param
> table. It should self-repair itself, however in some circumstances it may
> not. To fix it manually (assuming you don't use revision tracking - if so,
> please let me know your current version number) execute the following SQL
> queries in an SQL dialogue:
> DELETE FROM pgadmin_param
> INSERT INTO pgadmin_param VALUES ('1', '1', 'SSO Version')
> INSERT INTO pgadmin_param VALUES(2, 'N', 'Revision Tracking enabled?')
> INSERT INTO pgadmin_param VALUES(3, '1.0', 'Revision Tracking version')
> This bug has been fixed in the current development code.
> Regards,
> Dave.

* Error - 11/28/2000 1:35:23 PM

Program: pgAdmin
Version: 7.0.3
Sub or Function: frmUsers, cmdRefresh_click

Error Details
Error No: -2147467259
Error Description: Error while executing the query;
ERROR:  pg_shadow: Permission denied.
Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
DLL Error Code: 0

Memory Details
Total Physical: 267948032
Total Swap: 647651328
Total Virtual: 2147352576
Available Physical: 76840960
Available Swap: 447901696
Available Virtual: 2069299200
Percentage Free: 71

System Details
Processor: 586
No. Processors: 2
Page Size: 4096

OS Details
Platform: Windows NT
Version: 5.0
Build: 2195
OS Info: Service Pack 1

Environment Details
Datasource: remote
Tracking: False
TrackVer: 0
Connect: Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended
Version: 2.5

RE: pgAdmin problems

Dave Page

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bryan Bateman []
> Sent: 28 November 2000 13:57
> To: Dave Page;
> Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] pgAdmin problems
> Almost there.
> The inserts below worked like a charm.
> I have one more problem and I know it is my lack of experience with
> Postgresql.  I have scanned the doucumentaion and can not 
> figure this one
> out.  I have attached one more log file entry with the 
> username and password
> altered to protect the innocent (me).  I got this error when trying to
> execute system/users from the menu.  When I created the user 
> in question, I
> gave it permission to create tables and new users.  I then 
> did an alter user
> to assign a password.
> Is there anything else I need to do to the user configuration 
> to make it
> work????

You need to logged into a superuser account - often this would be
'postgres'. Unfortunately this will still not work in PostgreSQL 7.0.X as
there was a change to the backend which prevented the execution of certain
queries within a transaction block which is alway the case via ODBC. This
has been fixed in the the current development code for PostgreSQL for USER
and VACUUM queries but CREATE/DROP DATABASE queries still seem to suffer the
same problem.
