Thread: Large Objects...ODBC/VB6/ADO...& PostgreSQL

Large Objects...ODBC/VB6/ADO...& PostgreSQL

Sanjay Arora
I am using postgreSQL v. 7.0.2 on RH Linux 6.2 on the server with VB6
Application accessing the DB through postgrSQL ODBC driver v. 6.50.

I am porting an application that used a lot of memo fields in the jet
database engine, well over 8k limit of PG. I now need to store these using
the large object data type of PG.

Examples given in the large objects chapter of PG Programmers manual
depicts an example in C and all I know about C is that it comes after B and
before D ;-)).

Can somebody please give me a pure SQL based implementation of how to use
the lo datatype, assuming I've got a text string of 12 kb named A$ and I
want to create a table of lo fields named info and store the string in it
and then readit ;-))

Another query is that since lo operations need to be in
transactions....does this have to be a seperate transaction dealing with
the lo operation or can the lo operation be executed in a transaction that
is updating other tables as well.

Another problem I am facing is that opening a recordset using Microsoft
data shape OLE DB with following and using the open method leads to error
(-2147418113(8000ffff) Catastrophic Failure):


Can somebody please tell me what it is? How do I workaround this? Do I need
to abandon data shape or the ADO itself?

Is there any FAQ on using postgreSQL with VB? or ADO etc.? Any pointers to
any resources thatcan enable me to marry VB & postgreSQL successfully? My
company is yelling blue murder on my pushing postgreSQL in place of a
commercial product like Oracle etc. Pleeeeaseee HEEELLLLPPPP.
