Thread: Password to install the odbc driver

Password to install the odbc driver

Evelio Martínez


I have the following message when I try to install the postdrv.exe odbc 
program in a w98 machine.

Please enter the password required to extract the attached files

I think it was in some readme file but I have to re-install it and I 
cannot find it .

Any help?


Re: Password to install the odbc driver

Cedar Cox
I forget, what kind of installer does postdrv.exe use?  I've seen this
before with something else.  Check for viruses.  In particular (if you
don't have anti virus software), check for the CIH virus.  If you do have
AV software, update you virus definitions, you're long overdue.  You can
get the CIH checker/cleaner from (for free).  If this is the
case, you'll have to download postdrv.exe again, and probably any other
self extracting installers after you've cleaned your system (while running
in dos mode).

Once in memory, the CIH virus infects executable files when they are run
or copied (eg. downloaded).  The virus inserts itself in the empty space
that is in many executables.  Most executables will continue to run even
when infected so the virus gets 'everywhere' before you even know it.  
The cleaner will remove the virus from the executable, however in the case
of self extracting archives, the attempt to infect 'empty space' actually
damages the archive beyond repair.  This is the reason for the password

Just a guess... happy cleaning.  And remember, if you have a CD writer,
check your recently burned CDs too  ;P


On Mon, 20 Nov 2000, Evelio Martínez wrote:

> Hi!
> I have the following message when I try to install the postdrv.exe odbc 
> program in a w98 machine.
> Please enter the password required to extract the attached files
> I think it was in some readme file but I have to re-install it and I 
> cannot find it .
> Any help?
> Thanks 