Thread: Good!


"Samuele Brignoli"
Hey guys -
I just had to tell someone, somewhere it would end up in a archive.
I just got ColdFusion talking to pgsql via an ODBC driver. Nothing
unusual, except I'm using the CF 4.5 beta, running on linux! The trick
is to use the unixODBC client lib from, and edit the
odbc.ini file in the ColdFusion install, at ${CFHOME}/odbc/odbc.ini
the CF server has a ODBC drive manager (Intersolv, I think) linked in.
Cool! This is going to save me from having to install NT on our production

Ross J. Reedstrom, Ph.D., <>
NSBRI Research Scientist/Programmer
Computer and Information Technology Institute
Rice University, 6100 S. Main St.,  Houston, TX 77005
In theory I can do the same thing with a FoxPro ODBC driver.
The one included with Coldfusion is causin' me some prblems.
Can you send me some details of your "dirty work" ?
    Bye, and thanks.
    Samuele B.