Thread: JDBC-Driver with Weblogic

JDBC-Driver with Weblogic

Nils Hartmann
maybe this post is off topic, than please ignore it....
We have a very special problem here: we're using Weblogic Application
Server (WLS) 5.1 as EJB-Container, and want to use Postgres as database
backend. I have a problem with nearly *all* tested JDBC-Drivers from
different Vendors (including Oracle and Informix): it seems that they
are not able to work with Weblogic when they should write serialized
Java-Objects. According to EJB specification one can have on CMP Beans
attributes that implement Unfortunatly I don't
find a JDBC-Driver that works with that. Now I'm trying Postgres, and I
made a little "hack" to the JDBC driver to get it work: WLS calls the
"setObject" method on PreperedStatement to write serializable objects to
the database. Since the setObject method of PG's JDBC driver tries to
"map" an Object to a postgresql table it fails for unkown types. Now I
modified this method, that it converts this object to byte[] and calls
setBytes. This method seems to work but it is pretty slooooow :(. (Note
good news is, that it actualy works, in opposite to Oracle, Informix,
... :-)
My question is: do you know some better way to store Serializable
objects? Maybe in 7.1? Note: I'have to call the setObject method, since 
that is called from WLS. 

Thanks for your comments!


Curry Communication GmbH 
Behringstr. 28a 
22765 Hamburg 

TEL +49.40.398 344 00
FAX  +49.40.398 344 09

RE: JDBC-Driver with Weblogic

Peter Mount
With our Serialisable implementation, it fails because the tables don't
exist. Now there is a create() method that will create those tables, so one
alternative is to get it to create the tables on the fly if they don't

setBytes() is slow, because you have the overhead of first creating a large
object, then writing to it, finally closing it before storing it's oid.


Peter Mount
Enterprise Support Officer, Maidstone Borough Council
All views expressed within this email are not the views of Maidstone Borough

-----Original Message-----
From: Nils Hartmann []
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 6:41 PM
Subject: [INTERFACES] JDBC-Driver with Weblogic

maybe this post is off topic, than please ignore it....
We have a very special problem here: we're using Weblogic Application
Server (WLS) 5.1 as EJB-Container, and want to use Postgres as database
backend. I have a problem with nearly *all* tested JDBC-Drivers from
different Vendors (including Oracle and Informix): it seems that they
are not able to work with Weblogic when they should write serialized
Java-Objects. According to EJB specification one can have on CMP Beans
attributes that implement Unfortunatly I don't
find a JDBC-Driver that works with that. Now I'm trying Postgres, and I
made a little "hack" to the JDBC driver to get it work: WLS calls the
"setObject" method on PreperedStatement to write serializable objects to
the database. Since the setObject method of PG's JDBC driver tries to
"map" an Object to a postgresql table it fails for unkown types. Now I
modified this method, that it converts this object to byte[] and calls
setBytes. This method seems to work but it is pretty slooooow :(. (Note
good news is, that it actualy works, in opposite to Oracle, Informix,
... :-)
My question is: do you know some better way to store Serializable
objects? Maybe in 7.1? Note: I'have to call the setObject method, since 
that is called from WLS. 

Thanks for your comments!


Curry Communication GmbH 
Behringstr. 28a 
22765 Hamburg 

TEL +49.40.398 344 00
FAX  +49.40.398 344 09