Thread: problem with driver

problem with driver

Hi all,

I am very new to postgresql.  I am working in linux machine and I have
builtin postgres server version 6.5.2. I am able to play around with sql

through command line. But When I tried to connect through my java
application it thowing SQLexception saying no suitable driver. I tested
with both "org.postgresql.Driver" and "postgresql.Driver" including
"postgresql.jar "driver file and "jdbc6.5-1.2.jar" driver files.
somebody please help me saying which Driver we need to use to connect to
the above server. Or please let me know how to solve this particular
problem. Any commands in this issue is welcome. Your interest in this
regard is hihgly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


RE: problem with driver

Peter Mount
Ok, no such driver means that either you are not loading the driver, or
theres a syntax error in the jdbc url you are providing.

1: Load the driver. For pre 7.0 backends, the driver class is
postgresql.Driver whereas for 7.0 and later its org.postgresql.Driver

You have several methods of loading it. For java applications you can use
parameter to java, or the line:Class.forName("postgresql.Driver");

2: The JDBC url MUST begin with jdbc:postgresql:

ie:    jdbc:postgresql:test            for local db'sjdbc:postgresql://host/database    for remote databases


Peter Mount
Enterprise Support Officer, Maidstone Borough Council
All views expressed within this email are not the views of Maidstone Borough

-----Original Message-----
From: Davis []
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 8:47 AM
Subject: [INTERFACES] problem with driver

Hi all,

I am very new to postgresql.  I am working in linux machine and I have
builtin postgres server version 6.5.2. I am able to play around with sql

through command line. But When I tried to connect through my java
application it thowing SQLexception saying no suitable driver. I tested
with both "org.postgresql.Driver" and "postgresql.Driver" including
"postgresql.jar "driver file and "jdbc6.5-1.2.jar" driver files.
somebody please help me saying which Driver we need to use to connect to
the above server. Or please let me know how to solve this particular
problem. Any commands in this issue is welcome. Your interest in this
regard is hihgly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
