Thread: What's going wrong?

What's going wrong?

Igor Gavriloff
   I'm trying to write a function in C that I can load into postgres,
that basically removes a file from the system (quite unsafe thought, but
it'll be suitable for me here):

#include <postgres.h>
#include <stdio.h>

bool file_remove(text *this)
{       if (remove((char *)this) == 0) return (true);       else return (false);
   I compile it and link as instructed for Solaris (where the backend
runs), and load it with:

CREATE FUNCTION file_remove(text) RETURNS bool AS '/path/'
   But it always returns false when I try to remove something. I'm sure
that I'm trying to remove files that the the backend's user owns (have
write access). If I try to make any changes on this code (eg.: the
casts...), when I try to use it the backends terminates abnormally.   Does someone can give me a clue?


Re: What's going wrong?

Alfred Perlstein
* Igor Gavriloff <> [001016 15:16] wrote:
> Hi,
>     I'm trying to write a function in C that I can load into postgres,
> that basically removes a file from the system (quite unsafe thought, but
> it'll be suitable for me here):
> #include <postgres.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> bool file_remove(text *this)
> {
>         if (remove((char *)this) == 0) return (true);
>         else return (false);
> }
>     I compile it and link as instructed for Solaris (where the backend
> runs), and load it with:
> CREATE FUNCTION file_remove(text) RETURNS bool AS '/path/'
>     But it always returns false when I try to remove something. I'm sure
> that I'm trying to remove files that the the backend's user owns (have
> write access). If I try to make any changes on this code (eg.: the
> casts...), when I try to use it the backends terminates abnormally.
>     Does someone can give me a clue?

from pgsql/src/includes/c.h:
*      BTW: when you need to copy a non-null-terminated string (like a text*      datum) and add a null, do not do it
withStrNCpy(..., len+1).  That*      might seem to work, but it fetches one byte more than there is in the*      text
object. One fine day you'll have a SIGSEGV because there isn't*      another byte before the end of memory.  Don't
laugh,we've had real*      live bug reports from real live users over exactly this mistake.*      Do it honestly with
"memcpy(dst,src,len);dst[len] = '\0';", instead.

from postgres.h:

struct varlena
{       int32           vl_len;       char            vl_dat[1];
typedef struct varlena text;

so it seems that 'text' is not a char *, you'll probably want to
use malloc and a memcpy to make a proper C string from a 'text'

had you thought of running a debugger or looking at the struct
definitions before doing such a dangerous cast?

-Alfred Perlstein - [|]
"I have the heart of a child; I keep it in a jar on my desk."