Thread: pgAdmin 7.0.2 Released

pgAdmin 7.0.2 Released

Dave Page
I have just released pgAdmin 7.0.2, a PostgreSQL database
design/management/administration package for Windows 95/98/NT/2K. It is
available from

This is a minor release containing only bugfixes - there is no additional
functionality from version 7.0.1.

Updates/changes include:

- Fixed a bug in the import wizard that limited the number of imported
records to 32767
- Fixed a bug in the Import Wizard where tab 2 showed by default.
- The Import Wizard Dialogue now only automatically closes after a
successful data import. 
- Fixed a bug in the Import Wizard where when processing quoted and
delimited data, if the delimiter appeared within a field, that character
would be ignored.
- Fixed a bug in the 'View Data' dialogue that prevented addition of a new
record to an empty table (Andrea Aime).
- Fixed an error with the access keys on the Table Browser.
- pgAdmin is now released under Gnu Public License (GPL).



Dave Page
Network & Systems Manager
The Vale Housing Association