Thread: Newlines in String inserts with JDBC

Newlines in String inserts with JDBC

Ken Kachnowich
Is there a method that could be used to insert Strings containing
newline charaters using the JDBC interface? I could replace them
with some character before the insert but what would be a good 
character to use?



RE: Newlines in String inserts with JDBC

"Friedman, Eric"
Why do you need to replace them?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Kachnowich []
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 5:18 PM
To: Postgres interfaces
Subject: [INTERFACES] Newlines in String inserts with JDBC

Is there a method that could be used to insert Strings containing
newline charaters using the JDBC interface? I could replace them
with some character before the insert but what would be a good 
character to use?



Re: Newlines in String inserts with JDBC

Jens Carlberg
Ken Kachnowich wrote:
> Is there a method that could be used to insert Strings containing
> newline charaters using the JDBC interface?

I haven't tried this, but allow me to speculate:

1. If new-line isn't allowed as a char, it can't be done at all. Then
you have to invent a mapping on your own. I would recommend "\n"; it's
failrly standard. Note that this means you have to escape "\" too; I
recommend "\\".

2. However, if new-line is allowed (and I suspect it is), it should
probably be 'escaped' somehow. This might be database specific; your
Java-code shouldn't be, though. To solve this, use the PreparedStatement
class, and simply set the String:

String aString = "Row 1: Before newline\nRow 2: After newline";
PreparedStatement aStmt = aConn.prepareStatement();

This way, you delegate to the classes developed for this specific
database to handle all issues specific to the database, as it should be.

> Ken
///Jens Carlberg

Re: Newlines in String inserts with JDBC

Ken Kachnowich
Sorry, I did not give enough information.
I am using the Serialize class. It builds an SQL insert statement in 
a String and the back end seems to fail if there is a newline in 
a text fields value.
If the PreparedStatement and setString work with newlines then I can
look into using that. I need to get a resultSet back, though, so I can
figure out what the record OID is of the record I just inserted.


Ken Kachnowich wrote:
> Is there a method that could be used to insert Strings containing
> newline charaters using the JDBC interface? I could replace them
> with some character before the insert but what would be a good
> character to use?
> Thanks,
> Ken