Thread: Asking for the [conninfo] definition

Asking for the [conninfo] definition

  When using PQconnectStart( const char *conninfo), not knowing what the conninfo look like. How to set the arguments
suchas host, port, dbname, user, password, etc. We want to know the definition, too. ps: the document: programming
manualpage 118 (ch17 libpq - C library ) is not quite clear and make us confused.       Thanks for answering our

Re: Asking for the [conninfo] definition

Patrick Welche
On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 10:38:23PM +0800, u3560719 wrote:
>    When using PQconnectStart( const char *conninfo), not knowing what the conninfo look like.
>   How to set the arguments such as host, port, dbname, user, password, etc.
>   We want to know the definition, too.
>   ps: the document: programming manual page 118 (ch17 libpq - C library ) is not quite clear and make us confused.
>         Thanks for answering our questions!

I haven't checked, but from memory eg:

PGconn *conn;
conn=PQconnectStart("dbname=test user=nobody");

